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Names That Mean Moth

329 names found for "Moth"   (page 4 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Moth? We couldn't find the exact name Moth, but listed below are some first names meaning Moth or names similar to the word Moth.

Similar Names

Maath | Mat | Mata | Mate | Math | Mathe | Mato | Matt | Modi | Monte |

Related Names

Hannalee  (Hebrew)
Favor; Grace. Biblical Mother of the Prophet Samuel
Heartha  (Teutonic)
Mother Earth
Hecuba  (Greek)
Mother of Paris and Hector
Hehewuti  (Native American)
Warrior Mother Spirit (Hopi)
Hekuba  (Greek)
Mother of Paris and Hector
Helsin  (Arthurian Legend)
Mother of Lancelot
Hertha  (Teutonic)
Mother Earth
Herthe  (Teutonic)
Mother Earth
Herzeloyde  (Arthurian Legend)
Percival's Mother
Hlif  (Norse)
Mother of Atli
Hrodny  (Norse)
Mother of Hoskuld
Iasius  (Greek)
Mother of Atalanta
Igerne  (Arthurian Legend)
Mother of Arthur
Igraine  (Arthurian Legend)
Mother of Arthur
Igraine  (English)
In Arthurian Legend Igrayne is Mother of Arthur
Igrayne  (Arthurian Legend)
In Arthurian Legend Igrayne is Mother of Arthur
Ilia  (Latin)
Mother of Remus and Romulus
Jabez  (Hebrew)
Pain. in the Old Testament, Jabez Was So Named Because He Was Borne by His Mother in Pain
Jagadamba  (Indian)
mother of the world
Jagadamba  (Hindu)
Mother of the World
Jaganmata  (Indian)
Mother of the World
Jeremoth  (Biblical)
Eminences, One That Fears Death
Jerimoth  (Biblical)
He That Fears or Rejects Death
Jocasta  (Greek)
Shining Moon. Jocasta Was the Mother and Wife of Oedipus; Once Oedipus and Jocasta Learned That Their Marriage Was Incestuous, Oedipus Blinded Himself and Jocasta Committed Suicide
Kedemoth  (Biblical)
Antiquity, Old Age
Kedemoth  (Biblical)
Antiquity, Old Age
Koda  (African)
Last Born, Mother's Pet
Leda  (Latin)
Mother of Helen
Leda  (Greek)
Mother Creator
Leda  (Greek)
Mother of Helen
Leirioessa  (Latin)
Mother of Narcissus
Leiriope  (Latin)
Mother of Narcissus
Leis  (Latin)
Mother of Althepus
Leta  (Greek)
Variant of Leda Who Was the Mythological Queen of Sparta and Mother of Helen of Troy
Leucippe  (Greek)
Mother of Teuthras
Leyda  (Greek)
Variant of Leda Who Was the Mythological Queen of Sparta and Mother of Helen of Troy
Libby  (Greek)
Diminutive of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Kno
Liriope  (Latin)
Mother of Narcissus
Loyda  (Latin)
Variant of Leda Who Was the Mythological Queen of Sparta and Mother of Helen of Troy
Lucania  (Latin)
Mother of Roma
Lyda  (Greek)
Variant of Leda Who Was the Mythological Queen of Sparta and Mother of Helen of Troy
Lyonors  (Arthurian Legend)
Mother of Boore
Lysanor  (Arthurian Legend)
Mother of Boore
Macawi  (Native American)
Madonna  (Italian)
My Lady. Respectful Form of Address Similar to the French 'Madame.' Used to Signify Virgin Mary or Art Depicting Her As a Mother
Madra  (English)
Madre  (Spanish)
Madre  (English)
Madrona  (Spanish)
Maia  (Greek)
Mother of Hermes
329 names found for "Moth"   (page 4 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Accad | Ingelbert | Aamir | Henri | Evita | Galiana | Neci | Duke | Vikas | Bridget | Pontus | Chrysann | Corbitt | Jami | Apocrypha |