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Meaning of the Name Nami

The first name Nami is of Japanese origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Japanese: Wave
Japanese: Wave (Namiko)
Japanese: Wave

Similar Names

Naam | Nahma | Naim | Na'im | Nain | Nam | Nann | Naum | Naw | Nay |

Related Names

Aeries  (English)
A Flower in the Summer Breeze. Suitable for Naming Girls Born Under the Sign of Aeries
Anamim  (Biblical)
A Fountain, Answer, Affliction
Anamim  (Biblical)
A Fountain, Answer, Affliction
Jesimiel  (Biblical)
Naming; or Astonishment; of God
Namid  (Native American)
Star Dancer
Namid  (American)
The Star Dancer
Namid  (Native American)
Star Dancer (Chippewa)
Namid  (Native American)
The Star Dancer
Namir  (Israeli)
Namir  (Persian)
Swift Cat
Oya  (American)
Naming or Speaking of the Jacksnipe
Oya  (Native American)
Naming or Speaking of the Jacksnipe
Venamin  (Hebrew)
Son of the Right Hand

Additional Names

Linley | Ileanna | Payton | Sachio | Darrah | Huxly | Ernan | Debra | Daudi | Jacoba | Zefjm | Chitragandha | Mila | Samirah | Dil |