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Meaning of the Name Netta

The first name Netta is of Scottish origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: A Feminine Form of Neil ('A Champion' or 'Cloud'). (Neh-tah)

Similar Names

Neto | Nadetta | Nanetta | Nata | Natia | Neda | Nedaa | Nedda | Neith | Net |

Related Names

Andranetta  (Greek)
Manly. Brave. Feminine Form of Andrew
Andranetta  (Latin)
Feminine of Andrew
Anetta  (Hebrew)
Antoinetta  (Latin)
Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Antonetta  (Latin)
Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony
Antonetta  (Swedish)
Aquanetta  (English)
Contemporary Created Name. Aqua is the Blue-green Sea Color
Benetta  (Latin)
Benetta  (Latin)
Feminine of Benedict
Bernetta  (French)
Feminine of Bernard, Meaning Strong As a Bear, or Bear Hard
Brunetta  (German)
Feminine Form of Bruno: from the Old German 'Brun' Meaning Brown
Brunetta  (Italian)
Dark Haired
Danetta  (Hebrew)
God is My Judge
Darnetta  (English)
Dawnetta  (English)
The First Appearance of Daylight; Daybreak
Donetta  (Italian)
Lady. from the Respectful Title Donna
Fanetta  (French)
Crowned With Laurels
Jacquenetta  (French)
Little Jacques
Janetta  (English)
Variant of Janet: God Has Been Gracious. A Feminine Form of John
Janetta  (Scottish)
Variant of Jane; from the French Jeanette
Janetta  (Hebrew)
Gift from God
Jaquenetta  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Country Wench
Jeanetta  (French)
Little Jean. God is Gracious
Jenetta  (English)
Variant of Jenny Which is a Diminutive of Jane and Jennifer
Johnetta  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonetta  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Juanetta  (Spanish)
Diminutive Form of Juana Derived from John
Lunetta  (Italian)
Little Moon
Minetta  (French)
Form of Williamina
Nanetta  (Hebrew)
Ornetta  (Hebrew)
Cedar Tree
Quinetta  (Latin)
Fifth Born (Ouin, Quinci, Quincie, Quinetta)
Robinetta  (French)
Small Robin
Trinetta  (French)
Little Innocent
Vignetta  (French)
Little Vine
Wanetta  (English)
Zanetta  (Spanish)
God's Gift. A Saint's Name

Additional Names

Lyrica | Keary | Sameern | Daia | Fryderyk | Demetria | Maysarah | Adamko | Basam | Nichol | Camey | Nygaire | Wilhelmine | Eloisee | Zhenya |