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Names That Mean Nette

114 names found for "Nette"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Nette? We couldn't find the exact name Nette, but listed below are some first names meaning Nette or names similar to the word Nette.

Similar Names

Nate | Neto | Nadette | Nanette | Neith | Net | Neta | Netta | Nettie | Netty |

Related Names

Ninette  (Russian)
Variant of Nina: Russian Diminutive of the Name Anne: Favour; Grace
Nynette  (French)
Variant of Anne: Prayer
Robinette  (French)
Small Robin
Ronnette  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Ronald: Mighty Counselor/Ruler
Tienette  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Toinette  (Latin)
Toni  (French)
Diminutive of Antoinette: Beyond Praise. French Feminine Form of Anthony
Toni  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Toni  (Latin)
Short for Antonia (Tonette, Tonia, Tonelle, Tonisha)
Tonia  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Tonisha  (English)
Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Tonya  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony. Abbreviation of Antonia and Antoinette
Trinette  (French)
Little Innocent
Vignette  (French)
Little Vine

Additional Names

Hughette | Jameela | Aaron | Shadrach | Beagan | Ezhno | Acacia | Stacie | Chryses | Bassam | Masichuvio | Maire | Franklin | Izefia | Cadda |