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Meaning of the Name Noelle

The first name Noelle is of French, Latin origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Birthday. Feminine of Noel. Commonly Refers to Christ's Birth and Christmas Festival
French: Christmas (Noela, Noel)
French: Christmas, or a Baby Born on Christmas
Latin: Form of Noel, Christmas

Similar Names

Neale | Nell | Noel | Noell | Nohle | Nanelle | Neelie | Nella | Nellie | Nelly |

Related Names

Noleen  (French)
Birthday (Noelle, Noella, Noele, Noeline)

Additional Names

Lili | Ocnus | Minette | Rozamond | Pavlushshenka | Lizbet | Bozydar | Jirair | Succoth | Callista | Edda | Manzoor | Leopoldo | Janetta | Loranna |