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Meaning of the Name Norway

The first name Norway is of Shakespearean origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Fortinbras, Prince of Norway

Similar Names

Nora | Norah |

Related Names

Astrid  (Scandinavian)
Godly Strength. Derived from Germanic Compounds Meaning Divine Strength, or Divine Beauty. Astrid Has Been Used by Norway's Royal Families for Hundreds of Years. Famous Bearers: King Olaf I's Mother;
Aulay  (Norse)
Variant of Olaf: Relic; Ancestral Heritage. St. Olaf is the Patron Saint of Norway, and There Were Many Kings in Scandinavia Named Olaf
Fortinbras  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Prince of Norway
Olaf  (Norse)
Relic; Ancestral Heritage. St. Olaf is the Patron Saint of Norway, and There Were Many Kings in Scandinavia Named Olaf

Additional Names

Barron | Lia | Letje | Vito | Sa'eed | Ambrosio | Crystal | Hume | Winfrid | Zissi | Harleigh | Manikarnika | Beau | Khattaab | Duka |