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Meaning of the Name Nyle

The first name Nyle is of Celtic, Anglo Saxon, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Celtic: Champion
Anglo Saxon: Desire
English: Island

Similar Names

Neale | Nell | Nila | Nilo | Nohle | Nala | Nile | Nilea | Nili | Noele |

Related Names

Danylets  (Ukrainian)
Ukrainian Form of Daniel 'Judge'
Danylets  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Nyles  (English)
Champion. Form of Neil

Additional Names

Nan | Qudrat | Dyer | Brenda | Crispen | Janel | Esaw | Felda | Agrippa | Vidya | Leof | Cuthah | Krounch | Petula | Nestor |