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Meaning of the Name Obed

The first name Obed is of Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Biblical: A Servant; Workman

Similar Names

Oved | Ovid |

Related Names

Amos  (Hebrew)
Burden,Hard Working,Unimaginative, Obedient,A Good Subordinate But a Bad Leader
Dabareh  (Biblical)
The Word, the Thing, a Bee, Obedient
Dabareh  (Biblical)
The Word, the Thing, a Bee, Obedient
Daberath  (Biblical)
The Word, the Thing, a Bee, Obedient
Daberath  (Biblical)
The Word, the Thing, a Bee, Obedient
Im-Tit-Haal  (Muslim)
Variant of Imtithal: Polite Obedience
Imtithal  (Muslim)
Polite Obedience
Jun  (Japanese)
Jun  (Japanese)
Obedient, Purity
Kazu  (Japanese)
First, Obedient (Kazuko)
Mutee  (Muslim)
Variant of Muti: Obedient
Muti  (Muslim)
Obadiah  (Hebrew)
God's Servant (Obadias, Obed)
Obed-edom  (Biblical)
Servant of Edom
Obediah  (Hebrew)
Serves God
Obedience  (American)
To Obey
Shimrath  (Biblical)
Hearing, Obedient
Simao  (Hebrew)
Simen  (Hebrew)
Simeon  (Hebrew)
Obedient; Listening; Little Hyena. in the Bible, Simeon Was the Old Man Who Recognized Jesus As the Messiah
Simeon  (Hebrew)
Obedient, Another Form is Simon, Seldom, Simple, Cautious
Simon  (Hebrew)
Variant of Simeon: Obedient; Listening; Little Hyena
Siomon  (Hebrew)
Symeon  (Hebrew)
Ximen  (Hispanic)

Additional Names

Junior | Ajitesh | Sen | Wally | Afric | Amado | Tanvi | Deorwine | Liusaidh | Leyla | Carneades | Pieter | Kieran | Japhlet | Monte |