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Meaning of the Name Odysseus

The first name Odysseus is of Greek origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Full of Wrath
Greek: Wrathful

Similar Names

Odysseia |

Related Names

Alcinoos  (Greek)
Helps Odysseus Return Home
Alcinous  (Greek)
Helps Odysseus Return Home
Anticlea  (Greek)
Mother of Odysseus
Calypso  (Greek)
The Mythological Nymph Who Beguiled Odysseus for Seven Years. A West Indies Style of Singing. Daughter of Atlas
Dessa  (Latin)
Wandering. from the Greek Odysseus
Elpenor  (Greek)
One of Odysseus's Men
EuIycleia  (Greek)
Nurse of Odysseus
Eumaeus  (Greek)
A Swineherd Who Fought With Odysseus
Euryalus  (Greek)
Taunted Odysseus
Irus  (Greek)
Challenged Odysseus on His Return to Ithaca
Laertes  (Greek)
Father of Odysseus
Melanthius  (Greek)
Sides With Penelope's Suitors Against His Master Odysseus
Moly  (Greek)
An Herb Hermes Gives to Odysseus to Protect Him
Nausicaa  (Greek)
Princess Who Finds Odysseus
Odessa  (Latin)
Wandering; Quest. Variant of Odysseus
Pen  (Greek)
Diminutive of Penelope: Bobbin. Penelope Was the Faithful Wife of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey
Penelope  (Greek)
Bobbin. Penelope Was the Faithful Wife of Odysseus in Homer's Odyssey
Telegonus  (Greek)
Son of Odysseus
Telemachus  (Greek)
Son of Odysseus
Ulises  (Spanish)
Variant of the Greek Name Odysseus. Ulysses Was the Clever and Resourceful Mythological Hero of Homer's Epic the Odyssey
Ulysses  (Latin)
Variant of the Greek Name Odysseus. Ulysses Was the Clever and Resourceful Mythological Hero of Homer's Epic the Odyssey
Ulysses  (Latin)
Form of Odysseus

Additional Names

Pierrette | Jaryn | Ames | Clemence | Unelina | Indra | Bliths | Rylee | Fortinbras | Ignacio | Osman | Kerry | Boaz | Zahrah | Vivi |