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Meaning of the Name Oighrig

The first name Oighrig is of Greek, Scottish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: Well Spoken
Scottish: Of Uncertain Derivation, Believed to Be Derived Either from Aithbhreac (New Speckled One) or from the Greek Euphemia (Fair Speech). Anglicization: Africa, Effie, Efric, Erica, Euphemia, Harriet, Henri
Greek: Well Spoken

Related Names

Erica  (Scottish)
Eternal Ruler; a Feminine Form of Eric. Also Used to Anglicize the Gaelic Oighrig. (Er-ih-kah)
Harriet  (Scottish)
Home Ruler, Ruler of an Estate; Derived from the French Henriette, a Feminine Diminutive of Henri. Also Used to Anglicize Gaelic Oighrig (Good Voice?)

Additional Names

Daron | Faunus | Darrah | Hieronim | Dharma | Nazneen | Miguel | Mauricio | Bearacb | Lucie | Topaz | Clare | Nicanor | Southern | Veryl |