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Names That Mean Olen

65 names found for "Olen"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Olen? We couldn't find the exact name Olen, but listed below are some first names meaning Olen or names similar to the word Olen.

Similar Names

Olin | Olney | Olyn | Olena | Olina | Oline | Olwen | Olwyn |

Related Names

Adolphs  (Teutonic)
Noble Wolf,Benevolent,Placid,Cultured,
Ahisma  (Hindu)
Not Violent
Anatolii  (Russian)
From the East (Tolya,Tolenka)
Benicio  (Spanish)
Benevolent One
Bithynia  (Biblical)
Violent Precipitation
Bithynia  (Biblical)
Violent Precipitation
Carolena  (Italian)
Little and Womanly
Charity  (Latin)
Giving. Benevolent Goodwill and Love
Charity  (English)
Benevolent Goodwill and Love
Cholena  (Native American)
Colene  (Irish)
Danveer  (Hindu)
Donalda  (Scottish)
World Ruler; a Feminine Form of Donald, Which is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Domhnall (World Ruler). Variations: Donella, Dolanna, Dolena, Dolina. Short: Donna, Ina, Lena, Lina. (Don-al-dah)
Eshek  (Biblical)
Eshek  (Biblical)
Guendolen  (English)
Gwendolen  (Arthurian Legend)
Merlin's Wife
Gwendolen  (Welsh)
Fair. Blessed. White Browed. White Circle
Gwendolen  (Celtic)
Of the White Brow
Gwendolen  (Celtic)
White Browed, Mystical, Solitary, Idealistic
Gwendolyn  (Welsh)
Fortunate, Blessed (Gwen, Gwendolen, Gwendoline, Gwendaline, Gwendolen)
Gwyndolen  (Welsh)
White Browed
Haestingas  (English)
Hastings  (English)
Horace  (Latin)
Origin Obscure, Another Form is Horatio, Just, Benevolent, Complacent
Ihsaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Ihsan: Benevolence. Beneficence. Charity
Ihsan  (Muslim)
Benevolence. Beneficence. Charity
Joleen  (English)
Variant of Jolene: Compound of Jo and the Feminine Name Element -ene
Jolena  (English)
A Well-established Compound of Jo-
Jolene  (English)
Compound of Jo and the Feminine Name Element -ene
Jolene  (English)
She Will Increase
Josephine  (Hebrew)
Addition, Alert, Successful, Passionate. Fern. of Joseph (Joe, Joey, Joline, Joleen, Jolene, Josee, Josey, Josie, Josephina, Josy)
Karraar  (Muslim)
Impetuous. Attacking Violently
Karrar  (Muslim)
Variant of Karraar: Impetuous. Attacking Violently
Khair  (Muslim)
Excellent. Benevolent
Khairaat  (Muslim)
Variant of Khairat: Benevolence. Charity
Khairat  (Muslim)
Benevolence. Charity
Kolena  (English)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kolena  (Greek)
Variant of Katherine. Pure
Kolenka  (Russian)
Of the Conquering People
Kolenya  (Native American)
Fish Coughing
Madolen  (French)
Mehrunisa  (Islamic)
Muhsin  (Muslim)
Benefactor. Benevolent. Charitable
Naeem  (African)
Naeemah  (Egyptian)
Nicolai  (Russian)
Victory of the People (Kolya,Kolenka,Nikita)
Nolen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Well Known, High Born
Nolen  (Irish)
Renowned; Noble
Nolene  (English)
Feminine of Nolan 'Noble' or Variant Abbreviation of 'Fenella' from Fiona, Meaning Fair
65 names found for "Olen"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Ajitabh | Vritra | Rowan | Fionnuala | Cromwell | Harriet | Gale | Charli | Caolaidhe | Chuza | Gwayne | Hakeem | Bucer | Karis | Jared |