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Meaning of the Name Orbert

The first name Orbert is of German origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

German: Wealthy

Similar Names

Orbart |

Related Names

Norbert  (Teutonic)
Shines Like the Sea
Norbert  (English)
Shining from the North
Norbert  (German)
Shining from the North
Norbert  (Norse)
Norberta  (Norse)
Norberta  (German)
Bright Heroine
Norberte  (German)
Bright Heroine
Norberto  (Norse)
Norberto  (Spanish)
Norberto  (Teutonic)
Shines Like the Sea
Norberto  (English)
Shining from the North
Norberto  (German)
Shining from the North
Thorbert  (Norse)
The Glorious Thor
Thorbert  (Teutonic)
Glorious As Thor
Thorberta  (Norse)
Brilliance of Thor
Torbert  (Teutonic)
Glorious As Thor
Torberta  (Norse)
Brilliance of Thor

Additional Names

Monika | Eachann | Derrik | Laurene | Redmund | Gillivray | Creda | Etham | Hamilton | Pygmalion | Anasuya | Darrellyn | Notker | Brijesh | Nazr |