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Names That Mean Oren

115 names found for "Oren"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Oren? We couldn't find the exact name Oren, but listed below are some first names meaning Oren or names similar to the word Oren.

Similar Names

Oram | Oran | Orin | Orion | Orm | Orman | Ornan | Orran | Orren | Orrin |

Related Names

Renzo  (Italian)
Laurel. Abbreviation of Lorenzo
Sabeeha  (Muslim)
Variant of Sabiha: Forenoon. Beautiful
Sabiha  (Muslim)
Forenoon. Beautiful
Soren  (Danish)
Danish Form of Thor
Soren  (Scandinavian)
God of War
Soren  (French)
Reddish Brown Hair
Soren  (Swedish)
Reddish Brown Hair
Soren  (Scandinavian)
Strict. Variant of Severin; a Saint's Name
Sorena  (Persian)
Tribal Leader
Toren  (Scottish)
Variant of Torrence 'From the Craggy Hills.' Tor is a Name for a Craggy Hilltop and Also May Refer to a Watchtower
Toren  (Irish)
Variant of Torrence: from the Craggy Hills
Torence  (Scottish)
Variant of Torrence 'From the Craggy Hills.' Tor is a Name for a Craggy Hilltop and Also May Refer to a Watchtower
Torence  (Irish)
Variant of Torrence: from the Craggy Hills
Violenta  (Shakespearean)
'All's Well That Ends Well.' Neighbour and Friend to the Widow of Florence
Zuhr  (Muslim)
Variant of Duhr: Forenoon

Additional Names

Bainbridge | Estes | Hoshaiah | Elyas | Nordika | Bem | Mirabel | Jacinto | Tori | Jazmaine | Kerhasi | Pritha | Toshith | Cilla | Urban |