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Meaning of the Name Oreste

The first name Oreste is of Greek origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Greek: From the Mountain

Related Names

Forester  (English)
Forest-ranger. Surname
Forester  (French)
Variant of Forest: Woods; Forest
Foster  (English)
One Who Keeps the Forest. A Foster Child, Foster Parent, or a Cutler. Also a Derivative of the Surname Forester. Used As Both a Surname and Given Name. Famous Bearers: Twentieth Century American Polit
Orestes  (Greek)
From the Mountain
Orestes  (Greek)
Mountain Man
Pylades  (Greek)
Friend of Orestes
Woodward  (English)
Woudman  (Dutch)
Wudoweard  (English)

Additional Names

Euodias | Vidal | Sabir | Cheilem | Tatiana | Zachary | Celestine | Melchior | Lila | Bain | Actoris | Lore | Devin | Joyce | Sandor |