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Meaning of the Name Otha

The first name Otha is of Anglo Saxon origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Anglo Saxon: Little Wealthy One

Similar Names

Ohad | Ota | Otho | Oto | Otoo | Ottah | Otto | Otway | Oda |

Related Names

Agotha  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agotha  (Greek)
Angerbotha  (Norse)
A Giant
Apollonia  (Greek)
Of Apollo. St Apollonia Was a 3rd-century Martyr Who Had Her Own Teeth Knocked Out, Frequently Invoked Against Toothache
Appolina  (Greek)
Variant of Apollonia: of Apollo. St Apollonia Was a 3rd-century Martyr Who Had Her Own Teeth Knocked Out, Frequently Invoked Against Toothache
Appoline  (Greek)
Variant of Apollonia: of Apollo. St Apollonia Was a 3rd-century Martyr Who Had Her Own Teeth Knocked Out, Frequently Invoked Against Toothache
Berothai  (Biblical)
Wells, a Cypress
Berothai  (Biblical)
Wells, a Cypress
Berothath  (Biblical)
Of a Well
Berothath  (Biblical)
Of a Well
Bothain  (Scottish)
From the Stone House
Bothan  (Scottish)
From the Stone House
Brothaigh  (Gaelic)
From Brodie
Dorotha  (English)
Variant of the Greek Dorothy Meaning Gift of God
Dothan  (Biblical)
The Law, Custom
Dothan  (Hebrew)
Variant of Dotan: Law
Dothan  (Biblical)
The Law, Custom
Gaothaire  (Gaelic)
Free Wind
Gederothaim  (Biblical)
Gederothaim  (Biblical)
Golgotha  (Biblical)
A Heap of Skulls, Something Skull-shaped
Golgotha  (Biblical)
A Heap of Skulls, Something Skull-shaped
Hotham  (Biblical)
A Seal
Jotham  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Perfect. May Jehovah Complete. in the Old Testament, Gideon's Youngest Son, Who Escaped the Massacre of His Seventy Brothers. Also a King of Judah During a Time of Military Strife
Jotham  (Biblical)
The Perfection of the Lord
Jothath  (Biblical)
His Goodness
Jothatha  (Biblical)
His Goodness
Khadyothan  (Hindu)
The Sun
Laraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Larraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Lauraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Lorraine  (Scottish)
A Surname Derived from the Name of a Province in Eastern France Which is Derived from the Latin Lotharingia (Territory of the People of Lothar). Variations: Lorane. Short Forms: Lori, Lorri. (Lor-rane
Lorraine  (French)
From Lorraine. from Lotharingia. from Lothair's Kingdom. Lothair Was a Ruler of the Region During the Th Century
Lothair  (Teutonic)
Lothair  (French)
Lothair  (German)
Famous in Battle
Lothar  (German)
Renowned Warrior
Lothar  (Teutonic)
Lotharing  (German)
Famous in Battle
Vinoothan  (Hindu)
New, Novel

Additional Names

Luc | Lottie | Freida | Nagachandra | Makya | Orrik | Ma'd | Trudy | Maxina | Muhammad | Lyn | Raghd | Beth | Neddy | Crespin |
Baby Name Meanings