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Names That Mean Owin

137 names found for "Owin"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Owin? We couldn't find the exact name Owin, but listed below are some first names meaning Owin or names similar to the word Owin.

Similar Names

On | Onan | Owain | Owein | Owen | Owyn | Owynn | Oni | Owena |

Related Names

Abd al Alim  (Arabic)
Servant of the All Knowing
Achaicus  (Biblical)
A Native of Achaia, Sorrowing, Sad
Achaicus  (Biblical)
A Native of Achaia, Sorrowing, Sad
Ahlai  (Biblical)
Beseeching, Sorrowing, Expecting
Alvis  (English)
Aphiah  (Biblical)
Speaking, Blowing
Aphiah  (Biblical)
Speaking, Blowing
Arab  (Biblical)
Multiplying, Sowing Sedition, a Window, a Locust
Arab  (Biblical)
Multiplying, Sowing Sedition, a Window, a Locust
Arif  (Arabic)
Arista  (Latin)
Goddess of Harvest, to Scatter Over the Ground for Growing
Callan  (Scandinavian)
Flowing Water
Calleo  (Latin)
Candace  (Greek)
Full of Light, Glowing (Candice, Candia, Candied, Candy, Candy, Candice)
Candace  (Greek)
Glittering, Glowing White
Candi  (Spanish)
Variant of Candida. Bright; Glowing White
Candida  (Latin)
Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Candide  (French)
Bright; Glowing White. Also Sweet
Candie  (Spanish)
Variant of Candida. Bright; Glowing White
Candy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Candida: Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Canice  (Scottish)
Handsome, Comey; a Borrowing from the Irish, Canice is an Anglicized Form of the Gaelic Coinneach (Handsome, Comely)
Cari  (Turkish)
Flowing Like Water (Carrie)
Cowin  (Latin)
Crescens  (Biblical)
Growing, Increasing
Crescens  (Biblical)
Growing, Increasing
Crescentia  (Latin)
Dabbasheth  (Biblical)
Flowing With Honey
Dabbasheth  (Biblical)
Flowing With Honey
Deniz  (Turkish)
Flowing Ocean
Dharmanand  (Hindu)
Happy in Following Dharma
Donn  (Scottish)
Brown, Brown Haired; a Borrowing from the Irish, Dorn is Derived from the Gaelic Don (Brown, Brown-haired). Variatons: Don
Douglas  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Flowing from the Dark River
Earnan  (Irish)
Ebba  (English)
Flowing Tide
Eugene  (Scottish)
Well Born, Noble; a Borrowing from the French, Eugene is Derived from the Latin Eugenius, Which is from Eugenes (Well-bom, Noble). Short Names: Gene. (Yoo-jeen)
Freowine  (English)
Noble Friend
Gatam  (Biblical)
Their Lowing, Their Touch
Haethowine  (English)
War Friend
Hara  (Biblical)
A Hill, Showing Forth
Hara  (Biblical)
A Hill, Showing Forth
Harold  (Scottish)
Leader of the Army; a Borrowing from the English Harold
Harum  (Biblical)
High, Throwing Down
Harum  (Biblical)
High, Throwing Down
Idbash  (Biblical)
Flowing With Honey, the Land of Destruction
Idbash  (Biblical)
Flowing With Honey, the Land of Destruction
Iuana  (Native American)
Blowing Backward As the Wind Blows Over the Water of Stream
Jada  (Biblical)
Jada  (Biblical)
Jarmuth  (Biblical)
Fearing, or Seeing, or Throwing Down, Death
Jarmuth  (Biblical)
Fearing, or Seeing, or Throwing Down, Death
137 names found for "Owin"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Joben | Francis | Moserah | Jeremy | Suzu | Ozias | Che | Fernald | Induma | Peigi | Manina | Yovela | Hodaiah | Aida | German |