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Names That Mean Pani

223 names found for "Pani"   (page 1 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Pani? We couldn't find the exact name Pani, but listed below are some first names meaning Pani or names similar to the word Pani.

Similar Names

Paine | Pan | Pany | Payne | Penn | Pyn | Pam | Panya | Panyin | Pen |

Related Names

Abu Bakr  (Muslim)
Companion of Prophet Muhammad
Abu Bakr  (Arabic)
Companion of Muhammad
Achates  (Greek)
Figure in Ancient Greek Mythology Who Was the Companion of Aeneas
Adana  (Spanish)
Spanish Feminine of Adam
Adriano  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Don Adriano De Armado, Fantastical Spaniard
Agnese  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Agnes. Pure
Albin  (English)
Variant of Albert: Old English for Brilliant; Bright; White. Alban and Albin are English Surnames Probably Based on Spanish/Italian Place Name Alba
Albrecht  (English)
Variant of Albert: Old English for Brilliant; Bright; White. Alban and Albin are English Surnames Probably Based on Spanish/Italian Place Name Alba
Alejandro  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Alexander Defends Mankind
Alethea  (Greek)
Truth. Alethea Became Popular When the Future King Charles I Courted Spanish Maria Aletea. Sometimes Confused With the Unrelated Althea.'Truthful.' Mythological Goddess of Truth
Alfonso  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Alphonse 'Eager for War'
Alfredo  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Alfred 'Counsels the Elves'
Algernon  (French)
With Whiskers, Bearded. in Norman Times, When Most Men Were Clean-shaven, This Nickname Was Given Two Mustache-wearing Companions of William the Conqueror, One of Whom Was William De Percy, Founder of
Algie  (French)
Diminutive of Algernon: With Whiskers, Bearded. in Norman Times, When Most Men Were Clean-shaven, This Nickname Was Given Two Mustache-wearing Companions of William the Conqueror
Algy  (French)
Diminutive of Algernon: With Whiskers, Bearded. in Norman Times, When Most Men Were Clean-shaven, This Nickname Was Given Two Mustache-wearing Companions of William the Conqueror
Alicia  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Alice Honest
Amalia  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Amelia: Industrious
Anees  (Muslim)
Companion. Genial. Close Friend
Anis  (Muslim)
Variant of Anees: Companion. Genial. Close Friend
Anissa  (Arabic)
The Good Companion
Anita  (Spanish)
A Spanish Diminutive of Ann: Graceful, Merciful
Anton  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Anthony Beyond Praise
Antonio  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Anthony Beyond Praise
Avril  (Western)
April, Month of the Year, Autumn Season. Origin: Hispanic, Canadian
Balamy  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Barnabas  (Hebrew)
Son of Consolation or Son of Exhortation, Son of Comfort. Famous Bearer: the Biblical First Century Apostle Barnabas Who Accompanied St Paul on His Early Missionary Journeys.A Biblical First-century M
Bel  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Bell  (English)
Diminutive of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bell  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Bella  (Spanish)
Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Bellamey  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamie  (English)
Variant of Bellamy: Good-looking Companion
Bellamy  (English)
Good-looking Companion
Belle  (Spanish)
Beautiful. Diminutive of Isabel: Devoted to God. A Spanish Variant of Elizabeth
Bembe  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Barnaby Prophet
Benito  (Spanish)
A Spanish Diminutive of the Latin Benedict Meaning Blessed. Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini Died In
Bettina  (Spanish)
A Spanish or Italian Variant of the Hebrew Elizabeth; Meaning 'My God is Plentiful
Bettina  (Italian)
A Spanish or Italian Variant of the Hebrew Elizabeth; Meaning My God is Plentiful
Bilal  (Muslim)
First Muezzin (Caller to Prayer). Companion of Prophet Muhammad
Blondell  (French)
Fair-haired; Blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
Blondell  (English)
Fair-haired; Blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
Blondelle  (French)
Fair-haired; Blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
Blondelle  (English)
Fair-haired; Blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
Blondene  (English)
Fair-haired; Blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
Blondene  (French)
Fair-haired; Blonde. Variant of the Spanish Blandina Meaning Flattering
Brian  (English)
Brought to England by the Breton Companions of William the Conqueror, This Name is Originally Derived from the Irish Word for Hill
Brigida  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Bridget: Strong
Brigidia  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Bridget: Strong
Bryan  (English)
Brought to England by the Breton Companions of William the Conqueror, This Name is Originally Derived from the Irish Word for Hill. Popular Variant of Brian
Cale  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Caleb: Dog; Brave. in the Old Testament, Caleb Was a Companion of Moses During His Time in the Wilderness
223 names found for "Pani"   (page 1 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Warfield | Raz | Keegsquaw | Evanna | Avice | Jaren | Blunt | Boyet | Francis | Angelica | Dudley | Sproul | Adojan | Edna | Taran |