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Meaning of the Name Pascal

The first name Pascal is of French, Hebrew, Italian origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

French: Born on Easter
Hebrew: Born on Passover
Italian: Born on Passover
French: Easter Child, Lamb
French: Name of a Great French Mathematician Who Lived in 17th Century. Click Here to Learn More!

Similar Names

Paschal | Pascual | Pasqual | Pascala | Pascale |

Related Names

Blais  (Latin)
Lisp; Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was a Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy; Mathematician; Scientist and Philosopher Who Invented the Calculating Machine and Hydraulic Press Before Dying at Age Th
Blaisdell  (Latin)
Lisp; Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was a Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy; Mathematician; Scientist and Philosopher Who Invented the Calculating Machine and Hydraulic Press Before Dying at Age Th
Blaise  (Latin)
Lisp; Stutter. Blaise Pascal Was a Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy; Mathematician; Scientist and Philosopher Who Invented the Calculating Machine and Hydraulic Press Before Dying at Age Th
Blaise  (French)
Lisp; Stutter. Famous Bearer: Blaise Pascal, a Brilliant Seventeenth Century Child Prodigy; Mathematician; Scientist and Philosopher Who Invented the Calculating Machine and Hydraulic Press Before Dyi
Pascala  (French)
Born at Easter
Pascale  (French)
Born at Easter
Pascale  (French)
Pascaline  (French)
Born at Easter
Pascoe  (French)
Variant of Pascal: of Easter

Additional Names

Maaz | Hank | Mizpeh | Aditsan | Chaya | Shadoe | Brown | Lulu | Aselma | Genesis | Gregg | Jarvi | Mavis | Orland | Branduff |