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Meaning of the Name Patty

The first name Patty is of Aramaic, German, Latin origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Aramaic: Diminutive of Martha: Lady
German: Diminutive of Matilda: Strength in Battle. Matilda Was the Wife of William the Conqueror. Used in Australia As Slang for a Bushman's Pack
Latin: Diminutive of Patricia: Noble. St. Patricia Was a Th Century Patron Saint of Naples
Latin: From the Name Patricia

Similar Names

Paddy | Pat | Petey | Pati | Patia | Patti | Pattie |

Related Names

Matti  (Aramaic)
Honored Lady; Variation of Martha (Marit, Marta, Marthe, Marite, Marti, Martyne, Mattie, Pat, Patty)
Patricia  (Latin)
One With Noble Qualities (Pat, Patty, Patti, Tricia, Trish)

Additional Names

Caphis | Prerak | Judd | Irfaan | Zereld | Hallam | Kelcey | Miftah | Alla | Sidney | Lancaster | Remington | Jagur | Sem | Devaki |
Baby Name Meanings