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Meaning of the Name Paul

93 names found for "Paul"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Paul is of English, French, Latin, Biblical origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

English: Small, Little; from the Latin Paulus
English: Little. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
French: Little. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
Latin: Little; Small. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books. Before Converting to Christianity at Damascus, Paul Had Been Involved in the Brutal
Latin: Small
Latin: Small, Little; from Paulus. (Pauly, Pavel, Paulin, Pasha, Pablo, Paulo)
Biblical: Small; Little

Similar Names

Pabla | Pablo | Pal | Palal | Pallu | Paola | Paolo | Pauel | Pauli | Paulo |

Related Names

Aleron  (French)
Epaulet Worn by a Knight
Barnabas  (Hebrew)
Son of Consolation or Son of Exhortation, Son of Comfort. Famous Bearer: the Biblical First Century Apostle Barnabas Who Accompanied St Paul on His Early Missionary Journeys.A Biblical First-century M
Boghos  (Armenian)
Armenian Form of Paul
Boulus  (Arabic)
Arabic Form of Paul
Carol  (English)
Manly, Strong. A Variant of Charles; from Carolus, the Latinized Form of the Name. Famous Bearer: Pope John Paul Ii's Real Name is Karol Wojtyla. Karol is a Variant Spelling of Carol Used in Several E
Clement  (Latin)
From 'Clemens' Meaning Mild or Merciful. Famous Bearer: the British Nursery Rhyme 'Oranges and Lemons' Refers to a Church Dedicated to St Clement, a Disciple of St Paul Who Became a First Century Pope
Damara  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damaress  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damaris  (Hebrew)
A Biblical Name Derived from the Greek Word for Calf. Damaris Was an Athenian Woman Who St Paul Converted to Christianity
Damaris  (Greek)
Derived from the Greek Word for Calf. Damaris Was an Athenian Woman Who St Paul Converted to Christianity. Gentle
Damaris  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Damariss  (Latin)
Gentle. Famous Bearer: Biblical Damaris Was the Educated Woman Who Heard Paul Speak at the Open-air Supreme Court of Athens
Dernas  (Hebrew)
Paul's Colleague
Jean  (French)
Variant of John. Jean is Sometimes Hyphenated With a Second Name and the French Pronunciation May Be Used As in Jean-luc and Jean-paul
John-paul  (French)
Variant of the Hebrew John: Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor
John-paul  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew John 'Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor.'
Jon  (English)
Variant of John or Abbreviation of Jonathan 'Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor.' Sometimes Used in the French Fashion Hyphenated With a Second Name Like Jon-carlo or Jon-paul
Jon  (French)
Variant of John or Abbreviation of Jonathan: 'Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor.' Sometimes Used in the French Fashion Hyphenated With a Second Name Like Jon-carlo or Jon-paul
Julian  (English)
Jove's Child. Form of Julius and Family Clan Name of Several Powerful Roman Emperors. Biblical Roman Centurion Julius Saved Paul's Life During a Hazardous Voyage
Linus  (Greek)
Flaxen Haired. Net. A Christian Companion to Paul in Rome
Linus  (Latin)
Net.A Christian Companion to Paul in Rome
Paaveli  (Finnish)
Finnish Form of Paul
Paavo  (Finnish)
Finnish Form of Paul
Pabla  (Hispanic)
Form of Pauli See Paul
Pabla  (Spanish)
From the Name Pauline
Pablo  (Latin)
Variant of Paul: Little; Small
Pablo  (Spanish)
Variant of Paul: Small. Famous Bearer: Artist Pablo Picasso (-)
Pafko  (Czechoslovakian)
Czechoslovakian for Son of Paul
Pal  (Scandinavian)
Little. Form of Paul
Pal  (Gaelic)
Small; a Gaelic Form of Paul. Variation: Pol. (Paul)
Paley  (English)
From the Name Paul
Paolo  (Latin)
Variant of Paul: Little; Small
Paolo  (Italian)
Italian Form of Paul: Small
Pauel  (Dutch)
Little. Form of Paul
Paula  (Swedish)
Paula  (Latin)
Paula  (Greek)
Paula  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Paul: Little; Small
Paula  (Latin)
Small, Little, Ambitious, Attractive (Paulette, Paulina, Pauline)
Pauleta  (Latin)
Pauletta  (Latin)
Slender (Paula, Paulette, Paulina, Pollie, Pola, Polcia, Pavia, Paulita)
Pauletta  (Latin)
Paulette  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Paul: Little; Small
93 names found for "Paul"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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