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Names That Mean Peter

72 names found for "Peter"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Peter? We couldn't find the exact name Peter, but listed below are some first names meaning Peter or names similar to the word Peter.

Similar Names

Peader | Pedar | Peder | Pedr | Petr | Petter | Petur | Pieter | Pietr | Pitar |

Related Names

Petros  (Greek)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Petrov  (Russian)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Petrov  (Czechoslovakian)
Peterka's Son
Pierce  (French)
Form of Peter
Pierce  (Irish)
Form of Piers from Peter
Piero  (Italian)
Italian Form of Peter 'Rock'
Pierre  (French)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Pierre  (Greek)
Variant of Peter: Stone; Rock
Piers  (French)
French Variant of Peter: Stone; a Rock. Famous Bearer: Science-fiction Author Piers Anthony
Piers  (Greek)
Variant of Peter: Stone; Rock
Pierson  (English)
Form of Piers from Peter
Pierson  (Irish)
Form of Piers from Peter
Pieter  (Dutch)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Pietrek  (Polish)
Polish Form of Peter 'Rock'
Pietro  (Italian)
Italian Form of Peter 'Rock'
Piotr  (Polish)
Polish Form of Peter 'Rock'
Piotr  (Russian)
Form of Peter
Pyotr  (Russian)
A Rock. Form of Peter
Simon  (English)
Variant of a Hebrew Name Meaning 'Hear; Listen.' in the Bible Simon Was the Name of Two Apostles Including Simon Peter
Simon  (Greek)
Snub-nosed. Can Also Be a Variant of a Hebrew Name Meaning 'Hear; Listen.' in the Bible Simon Was the Name of Two Apostles Including Simon Peter
Wendi  (English)
Literary; a Created Name That First Appeared in James Banie's Peter Pan
Wendy  (English)
Literary; a Created Name That First Appeared in James Banie's Peter Pan

Additional Names

Alicia | Edith | Govert | Ailna | Matthan | Bert | Osker | Doireann | Garry | Palmer | Rasikh | Hickey | Basile | Samiksha | Antioch |