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Names That Mean Phil

137 names found for "Phil"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Phil? We couldn't find the exact name Phil, but listed below are some first names meaning Phil or names similar to the word Phil.

Similar Names

Pal | Paul | Pawl | Pell | Philo | Phylo | Pili | Pol | Poul | Pul |

Related Names

Phillippa  (Greek)
Lover of Horses
Phillippa  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Philip: Lover of Horses
Phillips  (English)
Son of Philip
Phillis  (Greek)
Loving. Can Also Be a Variant of Phyllis: Leafy Foliage; Green Bough
Philo  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Friend to Mark Antony
Philo  (Greek)
Friend; Loves or Loved
Philoctetes  (Greek)
Killed Paris
Philoetius  (Greek)
A Cowherd
Philologus  (Biblical)
A Lover of Letters, or of the Word
Philologus  (Biblical)
A Lover of Letters, or of the Word
Philomel  (Greek)
Philomela  (Greek)
Philomena  (Greek)
Greatly Loved
Philomena  (Greek)
Philomena  (Greek)
Nightingale (A Bird)
Philomina  (Greek)
Greatly Loved
Philostrate  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Master of the Revels to Theseus
Philothea  (Greek)
Lover of God
Philotus  (Shakespearean)
'The Life of Timon of Athens' Timon's Servant
Philyra  (Greek)
To Love Music
Phyllis  (Greek)
Cluster of Leaves, Foliage, Attractive, Determined. (Phyl, Phylis, Philis)
Pip  (Greek)
Diminutive of Philip: Lover of Horses. King Philip of Macedon Was the Father of Alexander the Great. in the Bible, Philip Was the Name of One of Christ's Apostles. Famous Bearer: Prince Philip, Husban
Socrates  (Greek)
Ancient Philosopher
Socrates  (Greek)
Name of a Philosopher
Tadhg  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Poet, Philosopher
Theophila  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Theophilus: God-loving
Theophile  (Greek)
Divinely Loved
Theophilia  (Greek)
Divinely Loved
Theophilia  (Greek)
Loved by God
Theophilia  (Greek)
Loved Divinely
Theophilus  (Greek)
Beloved in God, Philosophical, Intuitive, Sympathetic
Theophilus  (Biblical)
Friend of God
Theophilus  (Greek)
Theophilus  (Greek)
Loved by God
Valdo  (German)
Variant of Waldo: Powerful; Ruler. Famous Bearer: Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (-). Abbreviation of Oswald
Virgil  (English)
Flourishing. Roman Poet-philosopher Virgil Works Have Been Classic Texts of Roman History and the Latin Language for Years
Waldo  (German)
Powerful; Ruler. Famous Bearer: Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson (-). Abbreviation of Oswald
137 names found for "Phil"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Ram | Danea | Britt | Adon | Ailise | Basir | Treasigh | Caitir | Badan | Blase | Fahad | Macy | Penny | Daisy | Dagon |