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Meaning of the Name Pierce

The first name Pierce is of Irish, Shakespearean, Anglo Saxon, English, French origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Irish: Form of Piers from Peter
Shakespearean: 'King Richard the Second' Sir Pierce of Exton
Anglo Saxon: Rock
English: Rock
English: Rock, Stone (Pearce, Piers, Pierse)
French: Form of Peter

Similar Names

Pearce | Peirce | Perce | Percy | Piers | Preece | Perke |

Related Names

Deker  (Hebrew)
To Pierce
Exton  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard the Second' Sir Pierce of Exton
Gobrwy  (Welsh)
Legendary Son of Echel Pierced Thighs
Parsefal  (English)
Valley Piercer
Parsifal  (English)
Valley Piercer
Pearson  (English)
Son of Pierce
Perce  (English)
Diminutive of Percival: Pierces the Valley. One of the Knights of the Round Table Who Searched for the Holy Grail (In Arthurian Legend)
Perceval  (French)
Perceval  (English)
Variant of Percival: Pierces the Valley
Percival  (French)
Percival  (English)
Pierces the Valley. One of the Knights of the Round Table Who Searched for the Holy Grail (In Arthurian Legend)
Percy  (English)
Diminutive of Percival: Pierces the Valley
Percy  (French)
Peter  (Greek)
Firm, Unaffected, Rock, Stone (Peadar, Peder, Pedro, Perren, Pete, Pierce, Piers, Pierre, Pieter, Petro, Petr, Petros)
Piers  (English)
Son of Pierce
Pyrs  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Pierce 'Rock'

Additional Names

MacAllen | Matthanias | Vedas | Shana | Tsianina | Kamini | Bela | Klaudius | Gunnar | Chuchip | Manzur | Harvey | Jordanne | Euclid | Chi |