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Names That Mean Piri

158 names found for "Piri"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Piri? We couldn't find the exact name Piri, but listed below are some first names meaning Piri or names similar to the word Piri.

Similar Names

Parr | Per | Pero | Peru | Piero | Pir | Pirro | Pur | Pari | Peri |

Related Names

Volney  (German)
People's Spirit
Wanageeska  (Native American)
White Spirit (Sioux)
Wanageeska  (American)
White Spirit
Willimod  (German)
Resolute Spirit
Willow  (English)
Liberated Spirit, Willow Tree
Wilmod  (German)
Resolute Spirit
Wilmot  (German)
Resolute Spirit
Zo  (African)
Spiritual Leader

Additional Names

Gabby | Rehoboth | Siham | Kaivalanth | Sydnee | Fredi | Anuchand | Akilah | Shuman | Lavena | Hermann | Iniga | Usagi | Gresham | Brandice |