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Meaning of the Name Pius

The first name Pius is of Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Pious

Similar Names

Phuc | Picus | Pious | Piyush |

Related Names

Aesclapius  (Latin)
God of Medicine
Aesculapius  (Greek)
God of Medicine
Aesculapius  (Latin)
God of Medicine
Asclepius  (Latin)
God of Medicine
Casta  (Latin)
Pure, Pius or Modest One
Coronis  (Greek)
Mother of Aesculapius
Epione  (Latin)
Wife of Asclepius
Machaon  (Greek)
Son of Aesculapius

Additional Names

Andre | Vandana | Onawa | Ern | Devaney | Yoruba | Oyama | Shelly | Louie | Zaviera | Favian | Vidar | Dallas | Dominika | Ross |