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Names That Mean Prem

59 names found for "Prem"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Prem? We couldn't find the exact name Prem, but listed below are some first names meaning Prem or names similar to the word Prem.

Similar Names

Piram | Priam | Primo | Purim | Prema | Prima |

Related Names

Prembhari  (Hindu)
Full of Love
Premila  (Hindu)
Queen of a Women's Kingdom
Premraj  (Hindu)
King of Love
Ramiro  (Portuguese)
Supreme Judge
Ramiro  (Portuguese)
Supreme Judge (Ramirez)
Tedra  (Greek)
Supreme Gift
Tedre  (Greek)
Supreme Gift
Theda  (Greek)
Supreme Gift
Theodosia  (Greek)
Given by God; Supreme Gift

Additional Names

Bo | Dagny | Tane | Gussie | Chimelu | Ryon | Dendera | Karolina | Chip | Wendy | Gilad | Mireille | Evan | Selik | Flemming |