Looking for names that mean Race? We couldn't find the exact name Race, but listed below are some first names meaning Race or names similar to the word Race.
Leanne(English) A Compound of Lee: Wood, and Anne: Grace, Favour. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Julianne: Downy, Hairy. Can Also Be Derived from Helen: Liight; Beautiful Woman, and a Variant of Liana: Youthful; Bond
Lianne(English) Variant of Leanne: a Compound of Lee: Wood, and Anne: Grace, Favour. Can Also Be a Diminutive of Julianne: Downy, Hairy. Can Also Be Derived from Helen: Liight; Beautiful Woman, and a Variant of Liana
Lianne(Latin) Diminutive of Julianne: Downy Grace. A Compound of the Names Julie and Anne. Also Can Be Interpreted As the Feminine Form of Julian: Youthful. Jove's Child