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Meaning of the Name Rae

The first name Rae is of Scottish, Hebrew, English, Scandinavian, German origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Scottish: Grace
Hebrew: Diminutive of Rachel: Ewe. Rachel Was the Second and Favoured Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament
English: Doe
Scandinavian: Doe
German: Wise Protection Femenine of Raymond

Similar Names

Ra | Rai | Ray | Re | Roe | Rye | Raea | Rue |

Additional Names

Europa | Rodger | Adlai | Kirima | Amity | Hume | Adiva | Winston | Harosheth | Tanushri | Fortune | Gala | Seba | Cinneididh | Savitri |