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Meaning of the Name Rahil

The first name Rahil is of Russian, Hebrew, Muslim origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Russian: Innocence of a Lamb
Hebrew: Innocent
Muslim: Rachel
Russian: Russian Form of Rachel: Lamb

Similar Names

Rahul | Raoul | Raul | Rahel | Rahila |

Related Names

Raaheel  (Muslim)
Variant of Rahil: Rachel
Raheela  (Muslim)
Variant of Rahila: Departure. Exodus
Rahila  (Muslim)
Departure. Exodus

Additional Names

Giotto | Seema | Eburhard | Katrine | Westbrook | Hengist | Mansell | Sandon | Parmenas | Alston | Ahuzam | Angelito | Norwell | Raydon | Caradoc |