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Meaning of the Name Rama

80 names found for "Rama"   (page 1 of 2) 

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The first name Rama is of Indian, Sanskrit, Hindu origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Indian: Lakshmi
Sanskrit: Pleasing. Rama Was Mythological Seventh Incarnation of Vishnu and His Story is Told in the Hindi Ramayana
Hindu: Lakshmi

Similar Names

Raamah | Raham | Rahman | Raimi | Ram | Ramah | Ramey | Rami | Ramiah | Ramm |

Related Names

Aberama  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Apelama: He Who Has Many Children
Abhramani  (Hindu)
Sun or Moon
Amanda  (Latin)
Lovable, Worthy of Love. Some Scholars Believe This Name Was Invented by British Dramatist Colley Cibber Who Gave it to a Character in His Play 'Love's Last Shift.' Noel Coward Later Named a Character
Anton  (Russian)
German and Russian Form of Anthony, Borne by the Russian Dramatist Anton Chekhov (-)
Aphra  (Hebrew)
Dust. The Old Testament House of Aphrah Means 'House of Dust'. Famous Bearer: British Dramatist and Novelist Aphra Behn
Arama  (Maori)
Arama  (Basque)
Refers to the Virgin Mary
Arama  (Spanish)
Reference to the Virgin Mary
Arama  (Spanish)
Of the Virgin Mary
Araminta  (English)
Thought to Be a Compound of Arabella and Aminta, Invented by Restoration Dramatist Sir John Vanbrugh
Balarama  (Indian)
Brother of Krishna
Colley  (English)
A Surname Meaning Swarthy, Used Occasionally As a First Name. Famous Bearer, Actor and Dramatist Colley Cibber
Dilip  (Indian)
a king, ancestor of Rama
Drama  (African)
To Be Full Of
Emlyn  (Welsh)
Industrious. Welsh Version of the Latin Aemilianus. Also, from the Welsh Place Name Newcastle Emlyn. Famous Bearer: Welsh Actor and Dramatist Emlyn Williams
Eraman  (German)
Eramana  (German)
Floramaria  (Spanish)
Flower of Mary
Ganadadhar  (Hindu)
Hanuman  (Hindu)
Rama's Great Devotee and Servant
Hedda  (German)
Refuge in War or Struggle. Strife. Vigorous Battle Maiden. A Diminutive of Hedwig. The Heroine of the Norwegian Dramatist Henrik Ibsen's Play 'Hedda Gahler'
Kalidas  (Indian)
the poet, dramatist; slave of godess Kali
Karaamat  (Muslim)
Variant of Karamat: Miracle. Nobility
Karamat  (Muslim)
Miracle. Nobility
Kush  (Hindu)
Rama's Son
Lakshman  (Indian)
prosperous, brother of Rama
Laramae  (Latin)
Protection. Derived from 'Lares' - Individual Roman Household Gods Who Were Protectors of Home and Fields
Laramae  (Latin)
Protection. Derived from 'Lares' - Individual Roman Household Gods Who Were Protectors of Home and Fields
Mandy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Amanda: Lovable, Worthy of Love. Some Scholars Believe Amanda Was Invented by Th Century British Dramatist Colley Cibber
Manorama  (Indian)
attractive, beautiful
Manorama  (Hindu)
Attractive, Beautiful
Marama  (Maori)
Light of the World
Martha  (Scottish)
Lady, Noblewoman; Derived from the Aramaic Martha (Lady, Mistress)
Minty  (English)
Diminutive of Araminta: Thought to Be a Compound of Arabella and Aminta, Invented by Restoration Dramatist Sir John Vanbrugh
Nimi  (Hindu)
Rama's Ancestor
Paramartha  (Indian)
highest truth
Pattabhiram  (Hindu)
Sri Ram, Lord Rama Enthroned
Pramath  (Indian)
Radharaman  (Hindu)
Ram  (Sanskrit)
Pleasing. Rama Was Mythological Seventh Incarnation of Vishnu and His Story is Told in the Hindi Ramayana
Ram  (Indian)
Lord Rama, pleasing, charming
Ramadan  (Muslim)
Variant of Ramadhan: Ninth Month of Muslim Calendar
Ramadhan  (Muslim)
Ninth Month of Muslim Calendar
Ramah  (Biblical)
Elevated, Sublime
Raman  (Indian)
beloved, pleasing
Ramani  (Indian)
beautiful girl
Ramani  (Hindu)
Beautiful Girl
80 names found for "Rama"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Letitia | Yusuf | Clotho | Josephus | Haradah | Maskini | Alda | Smadar | Kala | Lauren | Bebai | Hortenspa | Tybalt | Page | Becca |