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Names That Mean Rent

131 names found for "Rent"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Rent? We couldn't find the exact name Rent, but listed below are some first names meaning Rent or names similar to the word Rent.

Similar Names

Rand | Ranit | Renato | RenT | Ronit | Renata | Renate | Reneta | Renita | RenTe |

Related Names

Accalia  (Latin)
Possibly from the Acca Larentia the Shewolf Who Nursed the Twins Remus and Romulus
Acel  (French)
Adherent of a Nobleman
Agatha  (Greek)
A Woman of High Ideals, Good, Brilliant, Lively, Unemotional, Indifferent to Flattery
Amichai  (Hebrew)
My Parents are Alive
Ancil  (French)
Adherent of a Nobleman
Ansel  (French)
Adherent of a Nobleman
Ansell  (French)
Adherent of a Nobleman
Aphek  (Biblical)
Strength, a Rapid Torrent
Aphek  (Biblical)
Strength, a Rapid Torrent
Aphekah  (Biblical)
Strength, a Rapid Torrent
Aphekah  (Biblical)
Strength, a Rapid Torrent
Aphik  (Biblical)
Strength, a Rapid Torrent
Aphik  (Biblical)
Strength, a Rapid Torrent
Brendt  (English)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brendt  (Celtic)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brenelsa  (English)
It is a Combination of Two Names. The Contributor of This Name Writes: 52 Years Ago My Parents Dropped the Da on Brenda and Added Elsa. It's Brenelsa and for 52 Years Now I'Ve Been the Only One With T
Breneon  (English)
Variant of Brent: Mountain Peak
Brent  (English)
Derived from a Surname and Place Name; Based on the Old English Words for High Place, Steep Hill, or Burnt. Used Occasionally As a First Name in North America Since the S
Brent  (English)
From High on the Hill
Brent  (English)
From the Steep Hill
Brent  (Celtic)
Brentan  (English)
From the Steep Hill
Brenten  (English)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brenten  (Celtic)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brentin  (English)
Variant of Brent: Mountain Peak
Brentley  (Celtic)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brentley  (English)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brently  (Celtic)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brently  (English)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brenton  (Celtic)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brenton  (English)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brentyn  (English)
Variant of Brent: Mountain Peak
Brionne  (English)
Combination of Brent and Dionne
Carlyann  (English)
Carly Derives from the Name Carlotta and Ann is from the Name Anna. Our Contributor Says: My Parents Combined the Two Names As Carly Alone Did Not Go With My Surname
Cherokee  (Native American)
People of a Different Speech. One of the Largest American Indian Tribes
Corentine  (African American)
Little Cora
Devi  (Sanskrit)
Divine. A Mythological Hindu Title Relating to Shiva's Wife Who is Known by Different Names According to Her Exercise of Power for Good or Ill
Faarooq  (Muslim)
Variant of Faruq: Distinguisher. Differentiator
Faruq  (Muslim)
Distinguisher. Differentiator
Flo  (Latin)
Diminutive of Flora: the Mythological Roman Goddess of Flowers. Diminutive of Florence: from 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer:
Florence  (Latin)
From 'Florentius' or 'Florentia', Meaning Flowering or Flourishing. Famous Bearer: Florence Nightingale, Legendary Crimean War British Nurse
Florent  (French)
Florentin  (Latin)
Florentina  (Italian)
Florentina  (Spanish)
Florentina  (Latin)
Florentine  (Latin)
Florentino  (Spanish)
Florentyn  (Latin)
Florentyna  (Latin)
131 names found for "Rent"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Catherine | Carys | Yaqu' | Calleo | Angelina | Katelinn | Lodovico | Benigna | Lazarus | Anathoth | Garland | Dareau | Megedagik | Tamir | Jerry |