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Names That Mean Rente

Looking for names that mean Rente? We couldn't find the exact name Rente, but listed below are some first names meaning Rente or names similar to the word Rente.

Similar Names

Renato | RenT | Renata | Renate | Reneta | Renita | RenTe |

Related Names

Brenten  (Celtic)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Brenten  (English)
Hilltop. Variant of Brent
Laurente  (Russian)
Russian Form of Lawrence 'Laurel'
RenTe  (French)
Feminine Form of Rent: Reborn
Torrentem  (Latin)
Trenten  (English)
Refers to the English River Trent. Surname

Additional Names

Intercidona | Vin | Sona | Tansy | Nessie | Carmina | Kandiss | Lay | Dori | Veda | Halimeda | Benzion | Kerrick | Walcott | Arragon |