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Names That Mean Reve

121 names found for "Reve"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Reve? We couldn't find the exact name Reve, but listed below are some first names meaning Reve or names similar to the word Reve.

Similar Names

Rafe | Ravi | Reave | Reba | Reeve | Reva | Riva | Rive |

Related Names

Abdul Jaleel  (Muslim)
Servant of the Great. Revered
Abdul Jalil  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Jaleel: Servant of the Great. Revered
Abdul-Jaleel  (Muslim)
Servant of the Great. Revered
Abdul-Jalil  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-jaleel: Servant of the Great. Revered
Abe  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Abraham  (Hebrew)
Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. The Name Abraham Was Further Popularized
Abram  (Hebrew)
High Father. Exalted Father. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation
Achim  (Biblical)
Preparing, Revenging, Confirming
Achim  (Biblical)
Preparing, Revenging, Confirming
Aefre  (Anglo Saxon)
Akshay  (Hindu)
Amar  (Indian)
forever, immortal
Amar  (Indian)
forever, immortal
Amber  (English)
A Jewel Name That Became Popular from the Name of the Yellowish Resin Used in Jewellery-making. Used Regularly Since the Publication of Oth Century Writer Kathleen Winsor's Novel 'Forever Amber. '
Apocalypse  (Biblical)
Uncovering, Revelation
Apocalypse  (Biblical)
Uncovering, Revelation
Aste  (Latin)
Revered, Sacred
August  (German)
Revered, Exalted
Auguste  (Latin)
Revered, Sacred
Augustin  (French)
Revered, Exalted
Augustus  (Latin)
Revered, Exalted
Ayat  (Islamic)
Sign, Revelation
Azrikam  (Biblical)
Help; Revenging
Baste  (Greek)
Bastiaan  (Greek)
Bastien  (Greek)
Bastien  (French)
Venerable, Revered
Blake  (Scottish)
Dark; Dark-haired. Can Also Mean the Reverse: 'Fair; Pale.' Blakeman
Bram  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Abraham: Father of a Multitude. in Genesis the Old Testament Patriarch Abram's Name Was Changed to Abraham When it Was Revealed He Would Be Father of the Hebrew Nation. Further Populariz
Dalila  (Hebrew)
Desired; Languishing. Famous Bearer: Biblical Delilah Tempted Samson into Revealing the Secret of His Superhuman Strength
Deion  (African American)
God of Wine and Revelry
Delila  (Hebrew)
Desired. Languishing. The Biblical Delilah Tempted Samson into Revealing the Secret of His Superhuman Strength
Delilah  (Hebrew)
Amorous, Delight, Languishing, Temptress. in the Old Testament, Samson's Mistress Delilah Tricked Him into Revealing the Secret of His Strength, Then Betrayed Him to the Philistines
Dion  (Greek)
God of Wine and Revelry
Dionysius  (Greek)
God of Wine and Revelry
Dionysus  (Latin)
God of Wine and Revelry
Eilam  (Hebrew)
Eirik  (Norse)
Forever Strong or Eternal Ruler
Elam  (Hebrew)
Forever. in the Bible One of Five Sons of Noah's Son Shem
Eric  (Scottish)
Forever Ruler, Derived from the Old Norse Eirikr, a Compound Name Composed of the Elements Ei (Ever, Always) and Rikr (Ruler)
Erica  (Norse)
Feminine Form of Eric: Forever Strong
Erik  (Swedish)
Forever Strong
Erika  (Swedish)
Feminine Form of Erik: Rules Forever
Feidhlim  (Irish)
Good Forever
Feidhlimidh  (Irish)
Variant of Feidhlim: Good Forever
Felim  (Irish)
Variant of Feidhlim: Good Forever
Forever  (American)
Never Ending
Gus  (German)
Revered, Exalted
Gussie  (Latin)
Revered, Sacred
Gusta  (Latin)
Revered, Sacred
121 names found for "Reve"   (page 1 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Cheyenne | Asha | Adalwolfa | Grace | Allete | Ector | Barret | Madina | Darryl | Perdita | Dierdre | Nicole | Lang | Alok | Sachka |