Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.
Olav(Norse) Variant of Olaf: Relic; Ancestral Heritage
Olave(Norse) Variant of Olaf: Relic; Ancestral Heritage
Oliva(Latin) Variant of Olive: Olive: Symbol of Peace
Oliver(German) Elf Army. Can Also Be a Variant of Olaf: Relic, Ancestral Heritage
Olivia(Latin) Variant of Olive: Olive: Symbol of Peace
Olivier(German) Variant of Oliver: Elf Army. Can Also Be a Variant of Olaf: Relic, Ancestral Heritage
Olivier(Latin) Variant of Oliver: Olive (Symbol of Peace); Peaceful
Ollie(German) Diminutive of Oliver: Elf Army. Can Also Be a Variant of Olaf: Relic, Ancestral Heritage
Olwyn(Welsh) Variant of Olwen: White Footprint. in 'Culhwch and Olwen', One of the Welsh Stories from the 'Maginogion', the Olwen Were White Flowers Growing in the Heroine's Footprints
Ona(Irish) One. Also a Variant of Una: Lamb; Together
Ona(Latin) Only Child; Also Can Be a Variant of Una: One
Oona(Irish) Variant of Oonagh: Lamb. Can Also Be an Irish Variant of Latin Una: One
Oonagh(Irish) Lamb. Can Also Be an Irish Variant of Latin 'Una': One
Oonagh(Latin) Only Child; Also Can Be a Variant of Una: One
Orlando(German) Variant of Roland: Famed Land; Renowned in the Land
Orlando(Italian) Variant of Roland: Famous Land;.Heroic
Orval(French) Variant of Orville: Gold Town. Famous Bearer: Aviator Orville Wright (-) Who (Along With His Brother Wilbur) Designed and Built the First True Airplane