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Names That Mean Rian

6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 52 of 129) 

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Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.

Similar Names

Raihan | Ram | Rane | Rani | Ren | Rhun | Rinan | Rion | Roan | Roane |

Related Names

Domingo  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Domingos  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Dominic  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Dominik  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Dominique  (Latin)
Belongs to God. of the Lord. Variant of Dominic
Domo  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Domokos  (English)
Variant of Dominick: Lord
Donaghy  (Irish)
Variant of Donagh: Brown Warrior
Donal  (English)
Variant of Donald: from the Gaelic Domhnall, Meaning World Mighty. Famous Bearer: Walt Disney's Cartoon Character Donald Duck
Donal  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donaldo  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald: Great Cheif, World Mighty. from the Gaelic Domhnall. The Name Donald Has Been Borne by a Number of Early Scottish Kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump; Actor Donald Suthe
Donalt  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald: Great Cheif, World Mighty. from the Gaelic Domhnall. The Name Donald Has Been Borne by a Number of Early Scottish Kings. Famous Bearers: Billionaire Donald Trump; Actor Donald Suthe
Donati  (Italian)
Variant of Donato: Present
Donatien  (Italian)
Variant of Donato: Present
Donatus  (Italian)
Variant of Donato: Present
Donell  (Irish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnel  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnel  (Irish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnell  (Irish)
Variant of Donnelly: Man With Dark Skin. Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donnell  (Scottish)
Variant of Donald 'Great Chief.'
Donogh  (Irish)
Variant of Donagh: Brown Warrior
Donois  (Hebrew)
Variant of Daniel: God is My Judge
Donough  (Irish)
Variant of Donagh: Brown Warrior
Donoven  (Irish)
Variant of Donovan: Dark
Donovon  (Irish)
Variant of Donovan: Dark
Dontae  (Latin)
Variant of Dante: Everlasting
Dontae  (English)
Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante 'Enduring.'
Dontay  (English)
Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante 'Enduring.'
Dontaye  (English)
Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante 'Enduring.'
Donte  (Latin)
Variant of Dante: Everlasting
Donte  (English)
Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante 'Enduring.'
Dontell  (English)
Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante 'Enduring.'
Dontrell  (English)
Contemporary Phonetic Variant of Dante 'Enduring.'
Doogan  (Irish)
Variant of Dugan: Swarthy
Doran  (English)
Variant of Dorran 'stranger.'
Doran  (Irish)
Stranger or Exile.Variant of Dorran
Dorcey  (English)
Dark. Variant of Darcy
Dorean  (Greek)
Variant of Dorian: Place Name in Greece
Doree  (Greek)
Variant of Doris Meaning Gift. Doris Was Mythological Daughter of the Sea God Oceanus
Doreen  (English)
Variant of Dorothy or Dorothea, Meaning Gift of God
Doreen  (Irish)
A Variant of Doirean, Derived from a Celtic Word Meaning Sullen
Dorette  (English)
Variant of Dora: Originally a Diminutive of Dorothea, Dorothy, or Any Name Ending in -dora. it Has Become Common As a Name on Its Own. Famous Bearer: William Wordsworth's Daughter Was Known in Later L
Dori  (Greek)
Variant of Doris Meaning Gift. Famous Bearer: in Greek Mythology, Doris Was the Daughter of Oceanus and Mother of the Sea-nymph Nereids
Doria  (Greek)
Of the Sea. Also Feminine Form of Dorian: of Doris, a District of Greece; or of Doros, a Legendary Greek Hero
Doria  (Greek)
From the Name Dorian
Dorian  (English)
Descendant of Dorus. Dorian Was a Character in Oscar Wilde's Novel the Picture of Dorian Gray Who Was Given His Wish That His Portrait Would Age While He Remained Young and Handsome
Dorian  (Greek)
From the Sea
Dorian  (Greek)
Of the Sea. Descendant of Dorus
Dorian  (Greek)
Of Doris, a District of Greece; or of Doros, a Legendary Greek Hero. Famous Bearer: the Character in Oscar Wilde's Novel 'The Picture of Dorian Gray
Dorian  (Greek)
6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 52 of 129) 

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Additional Names

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