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Names That Mean Rian

6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 67 of 129) 

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Looking for names that mean Rian? We couldn't find the exact name Rian, but listed below are some first names meaning Rian or names similar to the word Rian.

Similar Names

Raihan | Ram | Rane | Rani | Ren | Rhun | Rinan | Rion | Roan | Roane |

Related Names

Floyd  (English)
A Variant of the Welsh 'Lloyd'. Famous Bearer: Heavyweight Boxing Champion Floyd Patterson
Floyd  (Welsh)
Variant of Lloyd: Grey. One With Grey Hair. in Common Use As Both a Surname and First Name
Fola  (African)
Honor (In Nigerian)
Folki  (Scandinavian)
Variant of Folke: People
Foluke  (African)
Nigerian Name Meaning 'Placed in God's Hands'
Forester  (French)
Variant of Forest: Woods; Forest
Forgael  (Irish)
Variant of Fergal: Brave
Forrester  (French)
Variant of Forest: Woods; Forest
Forster  (French)
Variant of Forest: Woods; Forest
Fortunato  (French)
Variant of Fortune: Luck
Fortunatus  (French)
Variant of Fortune: Luck
Fortunio  (French)
Variant of Fortune: Luck
Foster  (French)
Variant of Forest: Woods; Forest
Fouad  (Arabic)
Variant of Fuad: Heart
Fowler  (English)
Variant of Falkner: Falconer; One Who Trains Falcons. Game Warden
France  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Francena  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francene  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francesca  (Latin)
Variant of Frances: from France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Francesco  (Latin)
Variant of Francis: from 'Franciscus' Meaning Frenchman. Famous Bearers: St Francis of Sales Who is Patron Saint of Writers, St Francis of Assisi Who Founded the Franciscan Order of Friars, Navigator
Franchot  (Latin)
Variant of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: Movie Producer Francis Ford Coppola
Franci  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Francia  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Francie  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Francille  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francina  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francine  (French)
Variant of Frances Meaning 'From France' or 'Free One'
Francine  (Latin)
Variant of Frances: from France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Francisca  (Spanish)
Variant of Frances Meaning French, from France, or Free One
Francisca  (Latin)
Variant of Frances: from France or 'Free One.' Feminine of Francis. Famous Bearers: British Novelist Frances Burney and Actress Frances Kemble
Francisco  (Latin)
Variant of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: Movie Producer Francis Ford Coppola
Francisco  (Spanish)
Variant of Frank. Also a Spanish Variant of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One
Franciska  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Francisca, Meaning Free
Franco  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Francisco: Variant of Frank. Also a Spanish Variant of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One
Franco  (French)
Variant of Frank: a Diminutive of the Latin Francis, Meaning Frenchman or Free One. Famous Bearer: American Singer Frank Sinatra
Francois  (Latin)
Variant of Francis: Frenchman. Famous Bearer: Movie Producer Francis Ford Coppola
Frangag  (Scottish)
Variant of Frang: Frenchman
Franki  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Frankie  (English)
Modern Variants of Frances Meaning from France or Free One
Franklynn  (English)
Variant of Franklin: Free Land-owner
Frans  (German)
Variant of Franz: Frenchman
Frantik  (Czech)
Variant of Frantisek: Frenchman
Franzen  (German)
Variant of Franz: Frenchman
Franzl  (German)
Variant of Franz: Frenchman
Frasier  (Scottish)
Variant of Fraser 'Of the Forest Men.'
Frasier  (English)
Variant of Fraser: French Town
Frayn  (English)
Variant of Frayne: Foreign
Frazer  (English)
Variant of Fraser: French Town
Frazier  (Scottish)
Variant of Fraser 'Of the Forest Men.'
Frazier  (English)
Variant of Fraser: French Town
6443 names found for "Rian"   (page 67 of 129) 

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Additional Names

Tryphana | Ashadeep | Carina | Patience | Theophilia | Benita | Kurva | Krischanr | Marlayne | Errita | Roberto | Kuniko | Thurston | Rick | Earle |