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Names That Mean Rich

302 names found for "Rich"   (page 2 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Rich? We couldn't find the exact name Rich, but listed below are some first names meaning Rich or names similar to the word Rich.

Similar Names

Raca | Race | Ric | Ricco | Rice | Richie | Rick | Ricki | Ricky | Rico |

Related Names

Clarissa  (Latin)
The Latinized Form of the English Clarice, Meaning Famous. Famous Bearer: Samuel Richardson's Th Century Novel 'Clarissa Harlowe'
Creighton  (Scottish)
A Person from Crichton, a Town in Southeastern Scotland
Crichton  (English)
From the Town by the Creek
Dardanus  (Latin)
Father of Erichthonius
Dareh  (Persian)
Daria  (Spanish)
Dario  (Spanish)
Dario  (Greek)
Variant of Darius: Rich; Wealthy
Darius  (Greek)
Rich; Wealthy
Darrius  (Greek)
Variant of Darius: Rich; Wealthy
Derby  (Shakespearean)
'Henry Vi, Part ' Sir John Stanley. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Sir William Stanley. 'King Richard Iii' Lord Stanley, Called Also Earl of Derby
Dick  (German)
Powerful, Rich Ruler
Dick  (English)
Rhyming Nickname from Medieval Times. Richard 'strong Ruler' Was Shortened to Rick Then Rhymed to Dick
Dickie  (English)
A Diminutive of Richard Which Originated As a Rhyming Variant of Rick
Dickie  (German)
Diminutive of Richard: Hard Ruler
Dickon  (German)
Diminutive of Richard: Hard Ruler
Dickson  (English)
Variant of Dick from Richard 'strong Ruler.'
Dicky  (English)
A Diminutive of Richard Which Originated As a Rhyming Variant of Rick
Dicky  (German)
Diminutive of Richard: Hard Ruler
Diederich  (German)
People's Ruler
Dietrich  (German)
Leader of the People
Dix  (English)
Variant of Dick from Richard 'strong Ruler.'
Dixie  (English)
Abbreviation of Richard. in the Usa Dixie Refers to the French Word for Ten; Also to the Southern States Below the Mason- Dixon Line
Dixon  (English)
Son of Richard
Dorset  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Marquis of Dorset, Son of Edward's Queen
Duartr  (Norse)
Rich Guard
Eadbard  (Irish)
Variant of Eadbhard: Rich Protector
Eadbhard  (Irish)
Rich Protector
Eadgar  (English)
An Old English Name Meaning Rich or Happy (Ead), and Spear (Gar)
Eadgyth  (English)
Happy Warfare. an Old English Name Meaning Rich or Happy (Ead), and War (Gyth)
Eadmund  (English)
Happy Defender. an Old English Name Formed from a Compound of Ead, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Mund, Meaning Protection
Eadmund  (English)
Rich Benefactress
Eadweard  (English)
Wealthy Guardian. A Compound of Eud, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Weard, Meaning Guardian
Eadwine  (English)
Wealthy Friend. an Old English Name Compounded from Ead, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Wine, Meaning Friend
Eamon  (Gaelic)
Rich Protector
Eamon  (French)
Variant of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Eamonn  (Gaelic)
Rich Protector
Eamonn  (French)
Variant of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Ed  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Ed  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Eda  (English)
Diminutive of Edith: Happy Warfare. Spoils of War. Wealthy. from the Old English Name Eadgyth, Meaning Rich or Happy, and War
Eddie  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Eddie  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Eddy  (French)
Diminutive of Edmond: Prosperous Protector. A French Variant of the Old English Name Eadmund, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Protection
Eddy  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Edgar  (English)
Fortunate and Powerful. from the Old English Name Eadgar, a Compound of 'Ead' Meaning Rich or Happy, and 'Gar' Meaning Spear. Famous Bearer: King Edgar of England; American Author Edgar Allen Poe
Edgar  (Teutonic)
Rich Spear, Prudent, Calm, Affectionate, Discriminating Tastes
Edie  (English)
Diminutive of Edith: Happy Warfare. Spoils of War. Wealthy. from the Old English Name Eadgyth, Meaning Rich or Happy, and War
Edik  (Russian)
Rich Protector
Edita  (Hispanic)
Rich Gift; Form of Edith
302 names found for "Rich"   (page 2 of 7) 

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Additional Names

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