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Names That Mean Rick

262 names found for "Rick"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Rick? We couldn't find the exact name Rick, but listed below are some first names meaning Rick or names similar to the word Rick.

Similar Names

Raca | Race | Ric | Ricco | Rice | Rich | Rickey | Ricki | Rickie | Ricky |

Related Names

Kendrick  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrick  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kendrick  (Gaelic)
Son of Harry
Kenrick  (Scottish)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenrick  (Welsh)
Royal Chieftain. Surname
Kenrick  (English)
Royal Ruler. Chief Hero. Used More Commonly As a Surname
Kerrick  (English)
King's Rule. Surname
Kirharaseth  (Biblical)
City of the Sun, Wall of Burnt Brick
Kirharaseth  (Biblical)
City of the Sun, Wall of Burnt Brick
Kirharesh  (Biblical)
City of the Sun, Wall of Burnt Brick
Kirharesh  (Biblical)
City of the Sun, Wall of Burnt Brick
Le Beau  (Shakespearean)
'As You Like It' a Courtier Attending Upon Frederick
Leah  (Hebrew)
Tired. Cow. First Wife of Jacob in the Old Testament. Leah Became Jacob's First Wife by Trickery, As Jacob Had Intended to Marry Her Younger and More Beautiful Sister, Rachel, Who Soon Became His Seco
Loki  (Scandinavian)
Trickster God
MacKendrick  (Scottish)
Son of Henry
Maverick  (Native American)
An Independent Cattle Rancher (Mavrick)
Maverick  (English)
When a Nineteenth-century American Named Maverick Refused to Brand His Calves As Other Ranchers Did; His Name Came to Signify an Independent Man Who Avoids Conformity
Maverick  (American)
Wildly Independent
Mavrick  (English)
When a Nineteenth-century American Named Maverick Refused to Brand His Calves As Other Ranchers Did; His Name Came to Signify an Independent Man Who Avoids Conformity
Meldrick  (English)
From the Powerful Mill
Merrick  (Welsh)
Dark-skinned; a Moor. Form of Maurice
Merrick  (Teutonic)
Strong Ruler
Myrick  (Welsh)
Dark-skinned; a Moor. Form of Maurice
Orick  (English)
From the Ancient Oak Tree
Orrick  (English)
From the Ancient Oak Tree
Orrick  (English)
Venerable Oak
Osrick  (English)
Divine Ruler
Paddy  (Irish)
Diminutive of Patrick: Noble. Paddy is Also Sometimes Used As a Slang Term for Irishman or for a Temper Tantrum
Paddy  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Patrick
Paddy  (Latin)
Regal; Noble. Diminutive of Patrick
Padraic  (Irish)
Patrician; Noble. Form of Patrick
Padraig  (Gaelic)
A Patrician; a Gaelic Form of Patrick. Variations: Padraic, Padruig. Pet Name: Paidean. (Pa-dreeg)
Padraig  (Latin)
Variant of Patrick: Regal; Noble
Padric  (Irish)
Patrician; Noble. Form of Patrick
Padrig  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Patrick 'Noble'
Padruig  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Form of Patrick
Pat  (English)
Patrician, Noble. Abbreviation of Patrick
Pat  (Irish)
Patrician; Noble. Abbreviation of Patrick
Pat  (Latin)
Regal; Noble. Diminutive of Patrick
Patric  (French)
Patrician; Noble. Form of Patrick
Patricia  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Patrick: Regal; Noble
Patricia  (Scottish)
A Patrician, an Aristocrat; Feminine Form of Patrick
Patricio  (Portuguese)
Patrician; Noble. Form of Patrick
Patricio  (Spanish)
Patrician; Noble. Form of Patrick
Patrick  (English)
A Patrcian, Nobleman; Derived from the Latin Patricius (A Patrician). Short Form: Pat
Patrick  (Latin)
A Patrician, Nobleman (Paddy, Paddie, Pris, Pat, Patric, Patten,Paxton,Payton)
Patrick  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Patrick  (English)
Patrician, Noble. Romans Society Was Divided into Plebeians: (Commoners) and Patricians: (Aristocrats). Saint Patrick - Patron Saint of Ireland
Patrick  (Irish)
Patrician; Noble. Romans Society Was Divided into Plebeians: (Commoners) and Patricians: (Aristocrats). Saint Patrick - Patron Saint of Ireland
Patrick  (Latin)
Regal; Noble. St. Patrick Introduced Christianity to Ireland, and Later Became Ireland's Patron Saint
262 names found for "Rick"   (page 4 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Maynor | Alopa | Lynna | Coty | Yasir | Rabb | Xenon | Montie | Melisenda | Wulfcot | Frey | Josalynn | Elvia | Arailt | Rafael |