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Names That Mean Rita

271 names found for "Rita"   (page 6 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Rita? We couldn't find the exact name Rita, but listed below are some first names meaning Rita or names similar to the word Rita.

Similar Names

Rati | Reth | Rida | Ridha | Riyad | Roth | Rutwa | Reit | Reta | Rheta |

Related Names

Sabrina  (Latin)
From Cyprus, or from the River Severn. in British Legend, Sabrina Was the Illegitimate Daughter of the King of Britain and Was Drowned in the River by Her Father's Ex-wife
Sandra  (Greek)
Variant of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain Since Early Th Century; it Became Popular After the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra
Sarah  (Hebrew)
A Princess (Sara, Sari, Sally, Sarena, Sarita, Zara, Zarah)
Sarita  (Spanish)
Sarita  (Hindu)
Sarita  (Hebrew)
Spanish Variant of Sarah: Princess
Sarita  (Indian)
Saxon  (German)
Dagger; Short Sword. in the Th Century, the Germanic Saxons Frequently Invaded Britain
Stephano  (Shakespearean)
'The Merchant of Venice' Servant to Porita. 'The Tempest' a Drunken Butler
Tanith  (English)
Derived from the Name of the Main Goddess of Carthage and Adopted for Use As a First Name in Great Britain
Temperance  (English)
Temperance. One of the Qualities Adopted As a First Name by the Puritans After the Reformation
Unity  (English)
Unity. A Quality Adopted for Use As a First Name by the Puritans After the Reformation
Winona  (Native American)
Eldest Daughter,Charitable
Wiraathat  (Muslim)
Variant of Wirathat: Inheritance. Legacy
Wirathat  (Muslim)
Inheritance. Legacy
Yves  (German)
Variant of Ivo: Yew. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest
Yvette  (German)
Feminine Form of Ivo: Yew. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest
Yvonne  (German)
Feminine Form of Ivo: Yew. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest
Zandra  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain Since Early; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess A
Zarita  (Spanish)
Zeresh  (Biblical)
Misery, Strange, Dispersed Inheritance

Additional Names

Jawaid | Barton | Karuna | Nainsi | Leia | Antares | Dheemant | Kord | Izaac | Chalina | Koundinya | Mushtaq | Waki | AneMy | Eudoxia |