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Names That Mean Rive

998 names found for "Rive"   (page 5 of 20) 

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Looking for names that mean Rive? We couldn't find the exact name Rive, but listed below are some first names meaning Rive or names similar to the word Rive.

Similar Names

Rafe | Ravi | Reave | Reeve | Reve | Reva | Riva |

Related Names

Christie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Christmas  (English)
This Name is Derived from the Name of the Christian Festival, and Occasionally Given to Children Born on Christmas Day. Used As Both First Name and Surname Since the Middle Ages
Christmas  (English)
This Name is Derived from the Name of the Christian Festival, and Occasionally Given to Children Born on Christmas Day. Used As Both First Name and Surname Since the Middle Ages
Christopher  (Greek)
From the Greek Word Meaning Carrier of Christ, Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Christy  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Chrystal  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Cicely  (English)
Variant of Cecilia: a Feminine Form of Cecil, Derived from the Roman Clan Name Caecilius, Which is Based on the Latin 'Coccus' Meaning 'Blind'
Ciorstaidh  (Gaelic)
A Follower of Christ; a Gaelic Form of Kirstie Which is Derived from Christine. Variations: Ciorstag, Curstaidh, Curstag. (Keers-tee)
Clark  (English)
Derived from a Surname Meaning Cleric or Clerk. Famous People: American Actor Clark Gable; Fictional Character Clark Kent, Alias Superman
Claud  (French)
From the Roman Clan Name Claudius, Derived from the Latin Meaning Lame. F: Claudette, Claudia, Claudine
Claude  (French)
From the Roman Clan Name Claudius, Derived from the Latin Meaning Lame. F: Claudette, Claudia, Claudine
Claudius  (Latin)
From the Roman Clan Name Claudius, Derived from the Latin Meaning Lame. Famous Bearer: Roman Emperor Claudius , Who Conquered Britian in Ad
Clayton  (English)
Derived from a Surname and Place Name, Based on the Old English 'Claeg' Meaning Clay and 'Tun' Meaning Settlement. Also, Mortal
Clement  (Scottish)
Gentle, Mild, Merciful; Derived from the Latin Clemens, Which is Directly Derived from Clemens (Gentle, Mild, Merciful). The Gaelic Form of Clement is Cliamain
Cleone  (Greek)
The Mythological Daughter of a River God
Cleonie  (Irish)
From the Greek Cleone: Daughter of a River God
Cliff  (English)
Diminutive of Clifford: River Ford Near a Cliff
Clodagh  (Irish)
From the Name of an Irish River, Clodagh is Used Occasionally As a First Name in Ireland
Clotilda  (German)
Heroine. Famous Battle. Derived from the Old German 'Hloda' Meaning Loud or Famous, and 'Hildi' Meaning Battle. Famous Bearer: Th Century Saint Clotilda Was Married to King Clovis, and Played a Major
Clyde  (Scottish)
From the Name of Scottish Clyde River
Clyff  (English)
Diminutive of Clifford: River Ford Near a Cliff
Clyfford  (English)
Variant of Clifford: River Ford Near a Cliff
Cocytus  (Greek)
River of Lamenting
Coinneach  (Scottish)
Handsome, Comely; Derived from an Old Gaelic Nickname Meaning 'Handsome, Comely.' the Name is Anglicized As Canice and Kenneth
Colwin  (Welsh)
Variant of Colwyn: Name of a River in Wales
Colwyn  (Welsh)
Name of a River in Wales
Colywnn  (Welsh)
Variant of Colwyn: Name of a River in Wales
Conall  (Scottish)
Strength, Wisdom;A Popular Name Derived from the Celtic Element Conn (Strength; Wisdom; High) or from Con (Wolf, Dog). Variations: Connell, Connell, Connull
Constantine  (Scottish)
Steadfast, Constant; Derived from the Late Latin Constantinus, a Derivative of Constans (Steadfast, Constant)
Conway  (Welsh)
Holy River. Place-name and Surname
Conwy  (Welsh)
Variant of Conway: Holy River. Place-name and Surname
Cormac  (Irish)
A Popular Name of Debated Origin. Some Believe it to Mean 'Raven'; Others Derive it from the Element Corb (Defile- Ment) and Mac (Son). Another Proposal is That it is from the Element Corb (A Chariot,
Cormag  (Scottish)
Gaelic Form of the Irish Cormac, a Popular Name of Debated Origin. Some Believe it to Mean 'Raven'; Others Derive it from the Element Corb (Defile- Ment) and Mac (Son). Another Proposal is That it is
Cornelius  (Latin)
From a Roman Clan Name Which is Derived from the Latin 'Cornu' Meaning Horn. Famous Bearers - a Devout Centurion Converted to Christianity by St Peter, a 3rd-century Pope, American Cornelius Vanderbil
Craig  (Scottish)
Dweller by the Crag; Derived from the Gaelic Creag (Rugged Rocks, Crag): Hence, 'Dweller by the Crag.' Variations: Craigg
Cresswell  (English)
Watercress River
Creswell  (English)
Variant of Cresswell: Watercress River
Crisdean  (Scottish)
Bearing Christ, Derived from the Gaelic Criosd (Christ). The Name is Seen As Equivalent to the English Christopher
Crystal  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Christopher: from the Greek Word Meaning 'Carrier of Christ', Famous Bearer: St Christopher, Patron Saint of Travellers, is Believed to Have Carried the Christ-child Across a River
Cumhaige  (Scottish)
Hound of the Plain; Compound Name Derived from Gaelic Elements Cu (Hound) and Magh (A Plain). Anglicized Form: Quentin
Curt  (French)
Diminutive of Curtis: from a Surname Derived from the Old French 'Curteis' Meaning Courteous. Also, from the Court
Curtis  (French)
From a Surname Derived from the Old French 'Curteis' Meaning Courteous
Cuthbert  (Scottish)
Bright, Famous; Compound Name Derived from the Old English Elements Cuo, Cuth (Known) and Beraht (Bright, Famous). The Name Was Borne by a 7th Century Saint from Lindisfarne. Pet Name: Cuddy
Cytherea  (Greek)
Derived from Cythera, a Greek Island Mentioned in Classical References to the Goddess Aphrodite. Another Name for Aphrodite
D'Arcy  (English)
Derived from a Surname Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, Based on the The French Place Name Arcy
D'Arcy  (English)
Derived from a Surname Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, Based on the The French Place Name Arcy
Dagmar  (German)
Famous or Glorious Day. Derived from a Compound of Two German Words
Dagmar  (Danish)
Famous Day. Derived from a Compound of Two German Words. Also, Glory of the Danes
Damaris  (Greek)
Derived from the Greek Word for Calf. Damaris Was an Athenian Woman Who St Paul Converted to Christianity. Gentle
Damaris  (Hebrew)
A Biblical Name Derived from the Greek Word for Calf. Damaris Was an Athenian Woman Who St Paul Converted to Christianity
998 names found for "Rive"   (page 5 of 20) 

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Additional Names

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