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Meaning of the Name Rognvald

The first name Rognvald is of Norse origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Norse: Earl of Orkney

Related Names

Raghnall  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Name Derived from the Scandinavian Rognvaldr (Powerful Judgment), a Compound Name Composed from the Old Norse Elements Regin (Advice, Decision, Judgment) and Valdr (Ruler, Power, Might). The Na
Raonull  (Gaelic)
Gaelic Name Derived from Rognvaldr, a Compound Name, Introduced by Scandinavian Settlers, Composed from the Old Norse Elements Regin, Rogn (Ad- Vice, Judgment, Decision) and Valdr (Ruler, Power). The
Turfeinar  (Norse)
Son of Rognvald

Additional Names

Bolek | Oilbhries | Elazar | Baucis | Percival | Makarioa | Xantha | Kaseeb | Desire | Eunice | Trevor | Morainn | Dabareh | Eirene | Hobart |