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Meaning of the Name Romulus

The first name Romulus is of Latin origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Latin: Founder of Rome

Related Names

Accalia  (Latin)
Possibly from the Acca Larentia the Shewolf Who Nursed the Twins Remus and Romulus
Hersilia  (Latin)
Married a Follower of Romulus
Ilia  (Latin)
Mother of Remus and Romulus
Larentia  (Latin)
The Shewolf Who Nursed Remus and Romulus
Laurentia  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Lawrence: of Laurentum. from the Place of the Laurel Leaves. The She-wolf That Nursed Remus and Romulus
Luperca  (Latin)
Shewolf Who Nursed Romulus and Remus
Silvia  (Latin)
From the Forest. Rhea Silvia Was the Mother of Rome's Founders, Remus and Romulus

Additional Names

Sharlene | Norberto | Nessan | Dalena | Whitney | Eriko | Walten | Jeneen | Theodoric | Emmot | Gimm | Ingemar | Kojo | Mabyn | Jens |