Looking for names that mean Rook? We couldn't find the exact name Rook, but listed below are some first names meaning Rook or names similar to the word Rook.
Cameron(Celtic) Crooked Nose. Nickname of a Highland Chieftain With a Crooked Nose
Cameron(Gaelic) Crooked. from the Celtic Cameron Meaning Crooked Nose. Nickname of a Highland Chieftain With a Crooked Nose
Cameron(Scottish) Derives from a Scottish Surname; from the Gaelic Meaning Crooked or Bent Nose. A Common First Name in Scotland, and in Oth Century Canadian and Australian Families of Scottish Descent
Cameron(Scottish) Used As a Surname Originated from the Gaelic Nickname Cam Sron (Crooked Nose). Variations: Cam, Camey
Campbell(Scottish) Derived from a Scottish Surname Based on the Gaelic Meaning Crooked Mouth. Campbell is Used Occasionally As a First Name in Scotland, and in Families of Scottish Descent in Other Parts of the World
Campbell(Scottish) Used As a Surname Originated from the Gaelic Nickname Cam Beul (Crooked Mouth). Variations: Cam,Camey
Camron(Gaelic) Variant of Cameron: Bent Nose; Crooked River