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Names That Mean Rosa

94 names found for "Rosa"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Rosa? We couldn't find the exact name Rosa, but listed below are some first names meaning Rosa or names similar to the word Rosa.

Similar Names

Raca | Raisa | Raja | Raka | Raza | Reza | Rhesa | Risa | Roch | Rock |

Related Names

Rosalind  (Latin)
Lovely Rose (Rosalie, Rosaline, Rosalina, Rosalyn, Reselynda, Roslyn, Rosalinda)
Rosalind  (Hispanic)
Pretty Rose
Rosalinda  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalinda  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosalinde  (Spanish)
Rosaline  (Latin)
Rosaline  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosaline  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosaline  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' a Lady Attending on the Princess of France
Rosaline  (Spanish)
Fair Rose, of Rosalind
Rosalyn  (Latin)
Rosalyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalyn  (Spanish)
Fair Rose
Rosalyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosamaria  (Spanish)
Rosamond  (Teutonic)
Famed Protection, Strong, Protective, Maternal
Rosamond  (German)
Variant of Rosamund: Noted Protector; Horse Protector
Rosamond  (Latin)
Variant of Rosamund: Pure Rose; Rose of the World
Rosamonde  (French)
Rosamund  (Teutonic)
Famous Defender
Rosamund  (German)
Noted Protector; Horse Protector
Rosamund  (German)
A Garden of Flowers
Rosamund  (Latin)
Pure Rose; Rose of the World
Rosamunde  (Teutonic)
Famous Defender
Rosana  (Hebrew)
Graceful Rose
Rosanna  (English)
Compound of Rose and Anne (Favour; Grace)
Rosanne  (Hebrew)
Graceful Rose
Rosanne  (English)
Variant of Rosanna: Compound of Rose and Anne (Favour; Grace)
Rosario  (Hispanic)
Rosary,The Beads That the Worshipper Uses to Count the Prayers
Rosario  (Portuguese)
Rosary. Refers to Devotional Prayers Honoring Mary
Rosario  (Spanish)
Rosario  (Spanish)
Rosary. Refers to Devotional Prayers Honoring Mary
Rose  (Italian)
Rose (Roe, Rosalie, Rosa, Rosalind, Rosalina, Rosella, Rosette, Rosie, Roza, Rozalie, Ruzha, Rosalia, Rosana, Rosita, Rozina, Rosetta, Rosemary, Roselani)
Roseann  (English)
Variant of Rosanna: Compound of Rose and Anne (Favour; Grace)
Roseanna  (English)
Variant of Rosanna: Compound of Rose and Anne (Favour; Grace)
Roseanne  (English)
Variant of Rosanna: Compound of Rose and Anne (Favour; Grace)
Roseline  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roseline  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roselyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roselyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roslyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roslyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roz  (Spanish)
From the Name Rosalind
Rozeanne  (Native American)
From the Combination of Rose and Anne (Roseanne, Ranna, Roanne, Roanna, Rosannah, Reseann, Rezanna, Rozanne)
94 names found for "Rosa"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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