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Meaning of the Name Rosalind

The first name Rosalind is of Shakespearean, Teutonic, Spanish, German, Latin, Hispanic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Shakespearean: 'As You Like It' Daughter to the Banished Duke
Teutonic: Beautiful Serpent, Confiding, Affectionate, Idealistic
Spanish: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
German: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Spanish: Fair Rose
Latin: Lovely Rose (Rosalie, Rosaline, Rosalina, Rosalyn, Reselynda, Roslyn, Rosalinda)
Hispanic: Pretty Rose

Similar Names

Rockland | Rosalinda | Rosalinde |

Related Names

Josalind  (English)
Modern Blend of Jocelyn and Rosalind
Ros  (Spanish)
Diminutive of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Ros  (German)
Diminutive of Rosamund: Noted Protector; Horse Protector. Also a Diminutive of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'; or Beautiful, Pretty Rose
Rosalinda  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalinda  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosalinde  (Spanish)
Rosaline  (Spanish)
Fair Rose, of Rosalind
Rosaline  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rosaline  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Rose  (Italian)
Rose (Roe, Rosalie, Rosa, Rosalind, Rosalina, Rosella, Rosette, Rosie, Roza, Rozalie, Ruzha, Rosalia, Rosana, Rosita, Rozina, Rosetta, Rosemary, Roselani)
Roseline  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roseline  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roselyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roselyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roslyn  (Spanish)
Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Roslyn  (German)
Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'
Roz  (Spanish)
From the Name Rosalind

Additional Names

Avernus | Ashika | Wilfrid | Delfina | Kelli | Neville | Parkinson | Farlow | Timberly | Eily | Horace | Judie | Penelope | Adhamh | Cailean |