The first name Rosalind is of Shakespearean, Teutonic, Spanish, German, Latin, Hispanic origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):
Shakespearean: 'As You Like It' Daughter to the Banished Duke
Josalind(English) Modern Blend of Jocelyn and Rosalind
Ros(Spanish) Diminutive of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Ros(German) Diminutive of Rosamund: Noted Protector; Horse Protector. Also a Diminutive of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'; or Beautiful, Pretty Rose
Rosalinda(Spanish) Variant of Rosalind: Beautiful; Pretty Rose
Rosalinda(German) Variant of Rosalind: Compound of 'Horse' and 'snake'