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Meaning of the Name Royal

175 names found for "Royal"   (page 3 of 4) 

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The first name Royal is of Gaelic, Scottish, French, Latin, English origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Gaelic: Red
Scottish: Red
French: Regal
Latin: Regal
English: Rye Hill. Royal

Similar Names

Roel | Royall | Roial | Royale |

Related Names

Kimbra  (English)
From the Royal Fortress Meadow
Kimbro  (English)
From the Royal Field
Kimbrough  (English)
From the Royal Field
Kinborough  (Gaelic)
Royal Fortress. Commonly Used in England Until the Th Century, But is Used Rarely Today
Kindra  (English)
Blend of Ken: (Royal Obligation;Clear Water) and Sandra: (Protector of Man) or Andrea: (Manly or Masculine)
King  (English)
King. King's Field. Title Used As a Surname by the Members of a Royal Household. Famous Bearer: American Film Director King Vidor
Kintan  (Hindu)
Kiritan  (Hindu)
Kyla  (Gaelic)
Lovely (In Yiddish Royal Crown) (Kyle, Kylia)
Kyndall  (English)
Royal Valley, Referring to Kent in England
Kyne  (English)
Royal One
Kyne  (English)
Loraina  (French)
Derived from Lorraine Which is the Name of a Province in France and a Family Name of French Royalty
Loraine  (French)
Variant of Lorraine: from Lorraine (French Province) and the Family Name of French Royalty
Lorayne  (French)
Derived from Lorraine Which is the Name of a Province in France and a Family Name of French Royalty
Lorraina  (French)
Derived from Lorraine Which is the Name of a Province in France and a Family Name of French Royalty
Lou  (French)
Diminutive of Louis: Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Eighteen Kings of France Have Borne This Name, and Louis Was Used by the French Royal Family for Hundreds of Years. Famous Bearer
Louis  (French)
Famous Warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Eighteen Kings of France Have Borne This Name, and Louis Was Used by the French Royal Family for Hundreds of Years. Famous Bearer: Jazz Musician Louis
Majestas  (Latin)
Royal Bearing; Dignity. Majestas Was Roman Goddess of Honor
Majesty  (Latin)
Royal Bearing; Dignity. Majestas Was Roman Goddess of Honor
Malcolm  (Scottish)
Of Royal Blood, Servant of St. Columba; Derived from the Gaelic Maolcolm (Servant of St. Columba). St. Columba (521-97) Was an Irish Missionary Who Played a Major Role in Converting Scotland and North
Marquesa  (Italian)
Royalty. Italian Royalty Title
Marquisa  (French)
Variant of Marquise. Royalty. French Royalty Title
Marquise  (French)
Royalty. French Royalty Title
Marquisha  (French)
Variant of Marquise. Royalty. French Royalty Title
Mona  (Greek)
Napier  (English)
In Charge of Royal Linens
Paden  (Scottish)
Padruig  (Scottish)
Paton  (Scottish)
Payton  (Scottish)
Peyton  (Scottish)
Prince  (Latin)
Royal Son
Princess  (English)
Royal Daughter
Rana  (Indian)
Regina  (Latin)
Queen of the Heavens...Royalty
Rexana  (Latin)
Royal Grace
Rexanna  (Latin)
Royal Grace
Rexanne  (Latin)
Royal Grace
Riobard  (Irish)
Royal Bard
Rioghbhardan  (Gaelic)
Royal Bard
Rioghnach  (Irish)
Riona  (Irish)
Riordan  (Gaelic)
Royal Bard
Riordan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Royal Poet
175 names found for "Royal"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Fasolt | Florrie | Aurelia | Morlee | Leonora | Zahra | Delaney | Grette | Bretislav | Karan | Cassius | Gabriel | Hedley | Hegai | Alix |