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Names That Mean Rule

843 names found for "Rule"   (page 10 of 17) 

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Looking for names that mean Rule? We couldn't find the exact name Rule, but listed below are some first names meaning Rule or names similar to the word Rule.

Similar Names

Raley | Raul | Raulo | Reule | Riley | Roly | Ruelle | Ryley | Rille | Rylee |

Related Names

Henrika  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Henrika  (Swedish)
Feminine Form of Henry: Rules the Home
Henriqua  (Spanish)
Feminine Form of Henrique: Rules the Home
Henry  (Teutonic)
Home-ruler, Other Forms are Hal, Harry Independent, Hard-working, Worldly
Henry  (English)
Ruler of an Enclosure; Derived from the French Henri
Henry  (Scottish)
Ruler of an Enclosure; Derived from the French Henri
Henry  (German)
Ruler of the Home
Henry  (English)
'Rules His Household.' Oft-used English and French Royal Name. The Second Son of Charles Prince of Wales is Named Henry
Henry  (German)
Rules His Household. Oft-used English and French Royal Name. The Second Son of Charles Prince of Wales is Named Henry
Henry  (French)
Rules the Home
Henryk  (Polish)
Polish Form of Henry 'Rules the Home'
Henryk  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Henty  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Henuita  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Henuite  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Herbert  (German)
Bright, Excellent Army, Ruler
Heriberto  (Spanish)
Heromin  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Herrick  (German)
War Ruler
Hester  (Persian)
Star. Myrtle Leaf. A Latinized Form of Esther. Esther Was a Young Hebrew Woman in the Bible Who Married the Persian Ruler Xerxes and Risked Her Life to Save Her People
Hettie  (French)
From Henrietta. Rules Her Household
Hetty  (French)
Diminutive of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Hinrich  (Teutonic)
Rules an Estate
Hrorek  (Teutonic)
Famous Ruler
Hrothrehr  (Irish)
Famous Ruler
Isold  (German)
Rule of Ice
Isolda  (German)
Rule of Ice
Isolde  (German)
Variant of Isolda: Ice, Rule
Isole  (German)
Rule of Ice
Jenyd  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerad  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerald  (English)
Variant and Surname Form of Gerald: Rules by the Spear
Jeraldo  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerande  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerard  (English)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.' English Surname
Jerard  (French)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.' English Surname
Jerardo  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerard 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jered  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jeric  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerica  (American)
Strong, a Gifted Ruler
Jerick  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerod  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerold  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerrad  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerrald  (Spanish)
Variant of Gerald 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerred  (English)
Variant of Garrett 'Rules by the Spear.'
Jerric  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerrica  (American)
Honorable One Who Rules by the Spear
Jerrick  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
Jerriel  (English)
Strong; Gifted Ruler. Blend of Jer- and Derrick
843 names found for "Rule"   (page 10 of 17) 

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Additional Names

Elwyn | Harac | Raissa | Thersites | Zahraa' | Rule | Caela | Argus | Dagon | Zerubbabel | Faith | Tucker | Deryk | Janah | Kallan |