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Meaning of the Name Ruma

The first name Ruma is of Indian origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Indian: Queen of the Apes

Similar Names

Ram | Rama | Ramah | Rami | Ramm | Ramy | Ramya | Remi | Remo | Remy |

Related Names

Arumah  (Biblical)
High, Exalted
Arumah  (Biblical)
High, Exalted
Charumathi  (Hindu)
One With Beatiful Mind
Charumati  (Indian)
Daughter of Buddha
Fruma  (Hebrew)
One Who is Religious
Genderine  (Islamic)
Feminine Name for Gender. it Was Adopted from Turkey to England in the Late 1800's and Then Brought Over to the Americas by a Sailor Named Harry Alexander Truman the 15th
Harumaph  (Biblical)
Rumah  (Biblical)
Exalted, Sublime, Rejected
Rumah  (Biblical)
Exalted, Sublime, Rejected
Sheshadri  (Hindu)
Tirumala Hills
Tirumala  (Hindu)
Sacred Hills
Tirupathi  (Hindu)
Lord of the Tirumala Hills,Lord Venkateshwar
Truman  (German)
Faithful Man
Truman  (English)
Truman  (English)

Additional Names

Bernard | Delia | Emmett | Alys | Rainer | Hope | Bo | Jase | Nituna | Abdul Rehman | Louis | Kuwanyamtiwa | Yvonne | Subodh | Brasen |