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Names That Mean Russ

111 names found for "Russ"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Russ? We couldn't find the exact name Russ, but listed below are some first names meaning Russ or names similar to the word Russ.

Similar Names

Ra'is | Rees | Reis | Rhys | Risa | Ros | Rose | Rosh | Ross | Rousse |

Related Names

Wava  (Slavic)
Stranger. Pet Name Formed from Varvara; the Russian Form of Barbara
Yalenchka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Helen: Light
Yalens  (Russian)
Russian Form of Helen: Light
Yekaterina  (Russian)
The Early Queen, (Russian Queen)
Yelizaveta  (Russian)
Russian Form of Elizabeth: Consecrated to God
Yulenka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Julia: Youthful
Yuliya  (Russian)
Russian Form of Julia: Youthful
Zenechka  (Russian)
Russian Form of Eugenia: Noble
Zenevieva  (Russian)
Russian Form of Genevieve: White Shoulders
Zeny  (Russian)
Russian Form of Eugenia: Noble
Zinerva  (Russian)
Russian Form of Minerva: Wise

Additional Names

Dorothea | Lauren | Jeffrey | Eros | Archimbald | Mahmude | Yekath | Sigfrid | Feidhlim | Cyrano | Arlena | Tob | Warwick | Maksym | Sebeeya |