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Meaning of the Name Saba

The first name Saba is of Muslim, Greek origin. It is often a girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Muslim: Eastern Wind
Greek: From Sheba
Greek: Seventh Daughter

Similar Names

Sabaah | Sabah | Sabeh | Sabih | Sabuh | Safa | Saif | Saph | Seb | Seba |

Related Names

Barsabas  (Biblical)
Son of Return; Son of Rest
Josabad  (Biblical)
Having a Dowry
Sabaa  (Muslim)
Variant of Saba: Eastern Wind
Sabaah  (Muslim)
Variant of Sabah: Morning. Bright
Sabah  (Islamic)
Morning Air
Sabah  (Muslim)
Morning. Bright
Sabah  (Egyptian)
Born in the Morning
Sabah  (Arabic)
Sabana  (Spanish)
From the Open Plain
Sabaoth  (Biblical)
Lord of Hosts
Sabastian  (Greek)
Revered. The Twin Brother of Viola in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. A Third-century Martyred Centurion Who Became St. Sebastian Patron Saint of Soldiers
Sabastian  (Latin)
Revered. The Twin Brother of Viola in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. A Third-century Martyred Centurion Who Became St. Sebastian Patron Saint of Soldiers
Sobah  (Muslim)
Variant of Sabah: Morning. Bright

Additional Names

Claudio | Esaw | Rio | Orlin | Salahuddeen | Lysanias | Ruadson | Agotha | Marily | Christian | Etta | Yehudah | Gustava | Ebo | Gazzam |